20.The Pain.

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|| S A N S ||

"What's up Pap?" I groaned as he stood over me, hostage only showed worry, I sat up straighter "Really, Paps, what's up?" Papyrus rubbed his hands together

"Sans..." He began, he seemed upset, not just worried "The Human is gone..." My eyes widened, and I hopped up

"Frisk?!" He nodded once, very lightly a small nod. He sighed, and slaughtered out of my room. I ran after him "where did you see her last?" He didn't answer "Pap!" I called and he glanced back, tears lined in his eyes, widening mine and made my way to him. I wrapped my arms around his tall, and skinny self. "It's okay Papyrus... We will find her!" I reassured him, grinning a small little smile, he held one up too.

"You mean that Sans?" He said his voice wavering ever so slowly, I nodded, and he wiped away the few remaining tears he had.

"Why were you crying papyrus...? Are you that worried?" I asked gently, he jumped a little, making me tilt my head to the side. He fidgeted with his hands

"Well...." He began lightly, "she was on the couch, yes..." He looked to me, then away to the floor "but I had just left the kitchen to ask her a question and she was f-fading..." My eye sockets widened

"She faded away....?!" I screeched, Pap nodded. My eyes grazed the carpeted floor, I had an idea where she had gone, perhaps the dream world? Back to the surface...? "I'll be back Pap, search around Snowdin, then move into Waterfall. Ask around. Okay?" He nodded, determined. I smiles lightly then teleported away to my room, I was silent till I heard him thunder down the stairs and leave slamming the door. I sighed,  and collapsed on my bed.

"Here we go..." I whispered "hope Crystal isn't mad..."

I looked around me to see I was laying on a table at MTT, no one was there, and that was new. I got up scanning around me, it was eerie, not even music was playing. I ran out into the heat of hotland to see the place was deserted, I peeked around the edge of the building to see if Catty and Bratty were there, but no. Even they were gone.

Panic rose within me, why is no one here?!

I took off running to the elevators, but none were working. I turned towards the Castle, but looked away, going the opposite way. Not knowing that's where I needed to go.

"Hey!" I called out, hoping... Anyone, would call back. 


I teleported to the lab.

"ALPHYS?!" I called desperately, no reply. I rubbed my hands together, running to the true lab door, I slid open the bathroom door, just a blank wall. My eyes widened, I whipped around, teleporting into Undynes house. The table was smashed in two, there was tomatoes splattered all over the walls, and her bedroom door wide open. I peeked in. No one. Chills ran down my spine.

Where is everyone?

Papyrus?! I teleported to the house, calling for him, running to the kitchen, pans lay scattered everywhere, smoke was coming from the pan on the stove, I slowly drug my feet to it peering into it. There was nothing in the pan.

I backed away, everyone was gone... Where are they...?

"Crystal...?" I asked nothing quietly, "Frisk...? P-Papyrus!? Anyone!? Everyone?!" I grew louder, my voice staining, I was scared. Was this dream turning to a nightmare....?

"Sans.....?" Her voice said, yet she wasn't there, i hopped to my feet

"Crystal!" I looked around Frantically,

"Sans... I can't see you, It's Frisk..." My heart flopped, she had killed them again.... "Don't- Don't let Asgore take her s-soul. It'll.... It'll, end your dreamworld sans...." I stared up blankly, tears sliding down my face.

"Did she... K-kill everyone?" I asked, my voice cracking, she chuckled ever so lightly,

"No Sans... Don't worry.... They're all fine..." I smiled weakly, I couldn't hold it up anymore and it fell. I've held it so long. Never considering the pain from holding it up so long to please.

Hide the pain, hide the pain. I scream at myself all the time.

Show them who you want to be, not who are are. No- show them who they want to see.
Don't show the tears.
Don't tell the truth.

Hide it. Hide it!

Don't forget to feel the pain.
It's who you are.
What you are.
It defines you.
But they, they don't understand, they won't ever understand.
No matter who you trust, who you tell, they just won't get it.

It all hurts.

But they don't feel the pain.
Their pain is different, physical.
Mentally, physically, emotionally- you feel it all, and it is who you are.

Stop it!

She understands! She loves you...

She loves the fake smile you hold. She'll never really love you for you.

I couldn't stop myself. I was a mess, sobbing on the ground, tears never ending. Shaking uncontrollably. I needed someone, yet I had no one. Literally.

Don't show your true colors~

Don't let your mind slip!

It's slipping!




You're nothing,

But a useless mess.


And Broken.

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