Chapter 16: Telling...

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*Alli's Pov*

Adamaris and I traded phones this morning so I could read what happened.

I went to my locker after we traded and I heard people talk behind me. It was four girls.

One of them was against their locker while the other three were blocking her way out.

They started to call her names and was saying mean thing to her. I walked up to them.

"Hey, guys. Stop bulling her this is a bully-free school and if you don't like that then you can leave this private school." I said to them.

"And why do you care what we are doing?" The girl in the middle said with a little bit of sass.

"Because it's not nice and like I said before this is a bully-free school." I said.

"Just leave before something happens to you." She said turning back to the other girl.

"Hey! I told you to stop! It's not nice to bully people!" I told her.

She turned around to face me. She looked at her friends and gave them a signal to let the other girl go and then can go too.

She then looked back at me and slapped me as hard as she could.

"I told you to go away." She said walking off.

I went to my locker and tried not to cry. I looked in the mirror I had in it and there was a red hand-print where she slapped me.

I covered it and started walking to the bathroom. When I got into the bathroom I started to cry.

"Hey? What's wrong?" A voice asked walking up to me.

It was Adamaris. It looked like she was also crying but I didn't say anything.

"Nothing just this dumb girl who slapped me and is calling me names for standing up for this other girl that she was bulling." I said covering my face.

"Let me see." She said taking my hand off my cheek.

"Alli you have to go to the nurse and you have to tell the principal." She said worriedly.

"I can't." I said covering my cheek again.

"If you won't I will then." She said.

"No don't I will just let go to the nurse's office." I said.

We went to the nurse's office and she was asking me questions like...

Who did this to you?
Do you know their name?
When did this happen?
Why didn't you tell a teacher after it happened?

And a bunch of other ones that aren't important. After the nurse, we went to the principal's office.

I told him everything that happened. And who did it and who was the girl she was bulling? And other things he wanted to know.

He then gave us passes so we can go to class and give them it.

*Mark's Pov*

"Hey, where were you?" I asked Adamaris.

"The nurse's and principal's office." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I was helping out Alli with this bully and she slapped Alli." She said.

"Really?!" I said worriedly.

"Yeah but she's fine don't worry." She said.

"Okay." I said getting back to writing on student's papers.

We didn't really talk much in the first three periods since we were busy helping.

We got to fourth period and Alli and Adamaris traded phones again. Then Adamaris traded phone with me.

I didn't know why. But she put a sticky note on it. It said, "Wait till we go to lunch and I'll show you.".

She wrote that because we ate lunch in fourth period. We went to lunch after 15 minutes of being in class.

"Okay, so are you going to tell me why you gave me your phone?" I asked.

"Yeah just wait till we seat. By then Alli is going to be sitting in front of us because she knows about it." She said.

We got in line and got our lunch we then went to a table and waited for Alli to come sit with us.

"Okay tell me now." I said.

"Okay, it started last year the first day we met." She started.

"Okay?" I said curiously.

"But then it stopped because I only got one message from it that day."

"Then I started to get messages from the person again a day ago."

"That's why I left scared yesterday from Case's house."

"Oh... Do you know who it is?" I asked.

"No... But they said I can only tell four people about it or something will happen. I've only told you two so far." She said to Alli and me.

"Oh... That's why you've been acting strange." I said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how to." She said unlocking her phone.

"It's okay you don't have to tell me everything." I said grabbing her phone.

"I know but I don't want to lie to you either." She said covering her face.

"Oh well, I'm glad you want to be honest with each other." I said pulling her into a hug so she wouldn't cry.

"Yeah well, I'm going to let you read that." She said starting to eat and starting to talk to Alli.

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