Chapter 28: Limits

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 28: Limits


Normal POV

  "Surrender now or will you continue fighting? Your choice, ignorant brats." The proclaimed master and leader of the Dark Guild, Death Corpse. Three of five members of the Children of the Stars are out of commission. Yuuki, Zach and Kurt were barely conscious. The earlier fights and being attacked at the same time really took the toll out of them. The only ones who can still fight were the Celestial Twins; Lucy and Max. Though, they were also running low on magic.

  "What are we going to do, Max?" The Celestial Dragonslayer whispered to his brother, fear laced on her tone.

  "I d-don't know." The latter stuttered, earning a nervous glance from his twin sister.

  "Then our only c-chance now is to run." the Celestial Mage said bitterly, letting out a dry laugh. She hated that idea. Running away with their tails in between their legs. She already done it before, running from her new family. She didn't want to do it away. It's like she's betraying the town that given her shelter and care.

  "Are you sure you want that?" Her twin brother inquired.


  "Then let's continue fighting. I'm sure that's what the others would want as well." The blonde girl was shock by his words but immediately melted to a smile. She nodded and diverted her full attention to the four enemies in front of them. She narrowed her eyes at them, carefully analyzing each one. They have a clear disadvantage. It's four versus two. However you look at it, their was no way they would win. To make matters worst, she doesn't even know their magic. She wasn't certain if they used magic earlier to knock their companions out. All they saw were blur. It happened too fast. Lucy wouldn't be surprised if she learned that Yuuki, Zach and Kurt didn't know either.

  "Are you two done whispering? We're getting impatient." The only girl in their group taunted, earning glares from the twins. She was Meria, Lucy believed.

  "We need to know their magic, Max. We need to know what we're up against." Lucy declaired, giving her brother a side glance before positioning herself to battle stance. The latter nodded and followed her lead, shifting to his own stance.

  "Oh, so you brats haven't had enough? Such stubborn kids you are.." Reaper snickered, earning himself death glares from the two.

  "N-No. Lucy, M-Max.. R-Run." The Celestial Twins gasped as they heard their eldest cousin spoke. Kurt was nowhere near in any condition to fight. He was lying on his stomach, using his arms as support to slightly lift himself off the ground. He tiredly looked at the twins with fearful eyes. He wasn't afraid for himself. No. He was afraid for his cousins and sister.

  "He's right. J-Just run!" Another hoarse voice surfaced. It was Zach this time. He was on his back, panting heavily as he stared up at the night sky.

  "W-What?! What the hell are you t-talking about?! We can't just leave you here to die!" The Celestial God slayer snarled angrily, sending their enemies a pointed glare.

  "If we're going to die. Then we'll die together. I won't run away. Not again." With that small speech, Lucy stepped forward and launched the first attack.

  "Celestial Dragon's Roar!" She chanted, releasing a large golden beam from her mouth. The enemies were caught off guard by her attack, reacting a second too late.

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