Chapter 19: Reunion Between Twins

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 19: Reunion between the Twins


Lucy's POV

By the time i reached the place where the magic power was strongest, i already knew what to expect. The presence i felt earlier was now tainted with black or dark magic. They were mixing and clashing, as if they were fighting..

That can only mean one thing. Max and the others are in trouble!

Once reaching the hill, i can't help but gasp in horror. The sight infront of me was too familiar. Almost like the scenes on my nightmare where my brothers and cousins lay on the ground, unmoving. Although, this one was less tragic and gruesome as the other. There was no blood, no deep and drastic wounds or injuries. But still. That doesn't mean they're not in danger.

Max was the only one left standing. He was being surrounded by all his enemies. And to make matters worst, one of them casted a spell that covered the full moon with thick smoke! At this rate, we wouldn't be able to obtain our strongest form. I didn't have time to hesitate as I leaped to action once seeing a beam being directed to my twin brother. He doesn't have enough time to dodge nor move out of the way. That's why i stepped in. I sprinted my way in between him and the beam. Thankfully, i had enough time to create a shield the blocked the incoming attack.

"That's playing dirty, j*rks. Why don't you fight me instead?" I mocked, positioning myself into battle stance. The enemies, now surrounding both of us, looked at eachother as if confused or was it amused..?

"Well, someone's late." I heard my twin whisper as he too went to battle position. We stood back-to-back, prepared to fight anytime soon.

"Excuse me for coming just in time to save your life." Sarcasm was laced on every word of my sentence. From the corner of my eyes, i can see him roll his eyes. Tch. Jerk.

"As if you stand a chance, Little Miss. The four of them were already having a hard time dealing with us. I mean, look at them now! Only one is left that's remain standing. And you expect to defeat us? By yourself? Well, your arrogant." The tugs around us let out loud and boisterous laughters and snickers, clearly underestimating me. The nerve!

"Newsflash! You jerks only won because you cheated! You ambushed them when they least expected. You took the chance since you knew they only have less than half of their original magic power! You guys make me sick!" Glaring at them, i fished out two golden keys from my keyring. My action went noticed by them as i visibly saw them tense up, all taking a cautious step back.

"A Celestial Wizard?! This can't be a coincidence!" A smirk formed on my lips hearing this remark. That's good. They're shaken up.

"You think?"

"Sh!t! Your one of them! Your the person they're looking for! Your the missing member! The Celestial Dragonslayer!" With a roll of my eyes, i twirled the two keys in my hand and summoned the spiritsthat symbolizes them.

"Gate of the Lion and Goat, I open thee! Loki! Capricorn!" The two called spirits appeared by my side and went to battle stance.

"I see that you made new friends, Lucy." Loke smirked, lighting his fists with his regulus magic. I can tell that he was itching to fight. Given that he was once a member of Fairy Tail, i can say that he likes big fights like this.

"I want you and Capricorn to distract these goons while me and my brother have a little chat. Is that ok?"

"You mean buy you some time? How long do you need?" The lion spirit cracked his knuckles while a wide smile itched his features.

"5 minutes top. Can you do that?" I glanced at Capricorn who mastered a nod at my direction. Smiling, i shifted my gaze back to the leader of the zodiacs.

"Sure. Settle things with your brother. Let us handle these guys." And with that, they took off. I didn't waste anymore time as i diverted my full attention back to Max who had gathered Yuuki, Zach-nii and Kurt-nii on one safe place. He brought them to a large tree about a few meters away from the fight. As i jogged my way towards them, i can clearly see the guilt that nestled on my twin's eyes.

"Your the one who planned this, right?" I asked once i was in earshot. Max tensed up hearing my question but instead of stating sarcastic remarks like i thought he would, he looked away and sighed. Guilty as charged.

"Yeah. I got them in trouble, again." I cringed hearing his last word. Again? So, they were in even bigger trouble and scenarios than this? I guess i'm not the only one with crazy and near to death experiences and adventures.

"I'm sure you didn't mean it."

"Yeah, i didn't. But still. It was me who lead them to this state. I'm the one to be blamed" Since when did my troublesome and mischievous twin brother became so emotional? Did he change that much through the years? Or was it just because he's being caught in the moment?

"You planned that to lure me out, right? And look! Here i'am infront of you! Your plan worked, Max. It just didn't gone the way it should be but nonetheless it worked." I tried to reason out.

"But they're hurt! The-"

"They will get better and no doubt, they'll forgive you."

"I endangered their lives-"

"So, make up for it! Be a hero and save them. Help me defeat these jerks and avenge them! Don't sulk and laze around, stupid! Stand up and fight!" His eyes widened hearing my speech. It seemed to click an imaginary switch in him as determination started to fuel on his eyes. He merely chuckled and straighten his composure. Cracking his knuckles, he smirked at me.



"You suck at speeches."


"Let's beat these tugs together, lil' sis?" My eyes twitched hearing his nickname for me. Seriously? He's like older by two minutes! Arrogant jerk!

"Yeah. Fine. Whatever."

"This is our first ever fight together as twins. Let's make it worth remembering!"

"Hell yeah!"


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