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Third person POV

Y/n threw her book bag over her shoulder ,while rushing out the door to her car. After driving through the morning traffic, she made it to school and was able to get to her first class just as the bell rang. Sighing she walked over to her seat and got her stuff ready for a boring class.

~Time skip brought to you by Slendy :)~

Y/n drove up to her house and parked the car. After realizing her parents weren't home, she got out her keys and walked in collapsing on the couch.

"Ugh school is soooo much work." she groaned and turned the tv on.

Skimming through the channels she decided on (Favorite show). An hour later she hauled herself off the couch to do homework, then shower, then go to bed. Just another average day in her life. She got into bed and put on (Favorite music/band). Sighing she closed her eyes and let her thoughts consume her. Soon she fell into a deep slumber.

Jeff's POV

I walked up to a two story house that was completely dark. Smiling I began climbing up to a second story window and peered inside. It was a bedroom with someone in bed; I could tell from the slow raise and fall of the blankets. The window was unlocked. I smirked ," This will be fun.". I lifted the window quietly and walked over to the bed. There was a girl with (hair colour) framing her face. I leaned over and inspected her features. She seemed fragile. Which made my job much easier. The girl started to wake up so I pulled my knife out and prepared to end her life. Once she realised I was there her eyes widened in fear for a second then she seemed...calm? I walked over and put my knife to her throat ready to kill her but she just stared back at me. She wasn't crying or begging for her life...
"Why are you so calm when you're about to die?" I couldn't stand it I had to know.

"I doubt begging for my life will stop you and if I screamed for help it would be too late any ways." She replied.

"Fair enough." I couldn't kill her. She was different from my other victims. I sighed and took the knife away from her throat. I pointed my knife at her and said "Consider yourself spared." With that I disappeared out the window."


What the heck just happened?

A Killer Life( Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now