Video Games

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~Y/N's POV~

"Hey y/n?" Ben came up to me with puppy dog eyes.
"Yes, Ben?" I asked smiling at the knowledge that he wanted something.
"Will you prettyyyy please play video games with me? Jeff won't because I beat him every time."
I giggled ,"Sure!"
We walked to the living room. Well... More like Ben ran and I walked.
I caught a glimpse of Mario Kart as Ben popped it into a Nintendo. I smirked. This was my all time favorite game and no way was Ben beating me.
"Ready?" He asked.
"To beat you? Yes, I am." I replied hopping onto the couch as he handed me a controller.

One Mario Kart Game Later...

"HOW!!" Ben demanded.
"What can I say? I used to play it all the time. I'm a pro at it."
"Rematch." He called
I got into my gaming position. I wasn't going easy on him like I did last time because he would probably use cheats now that he knew how good I was. A few minutes later Ben was throwing a hissy fit.
I cut Ben off," Language, Steve."
He groaned. Then to make things better Jeff walked into the room. He glanced at the screen then at me and Ben.
"Aw did you get beat by a girl?" He snickered
"Shut it." Ben pouted on the couch.
I saw Slender pass by the room and I swore if he had eyes he would have rolled them.
"Another game?" I questioned Ben.
" Yea. We're playing Tri Force Heroes. There's no way you can beat me."

45 mins later...
He was right. I couldn't beat him. Meh... My victory was fun while it lasted.

Once again, another short update. My apologies, I really have no reason for not making longer chapters. I promise I'll try to do better. Anyways, thank you all so much for the support! It's amazing; I mean over 150 views!? It may not seem like a lot to you but it means a lot to me. So thank you all my lovelies!!💘💘

Also I'm going to start a lotr and hobbit imagine book. The first update will be Thursday.

Updates for this book are officially every Tuesday unless stated otherwise.

Have a lovely day 😊💘

A Killer Life( Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now