New Friend?

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I stared at the window that was open. A few minutes after getting over my shock I walked over and shut it. I made sure to lock it and pulled my (Color of choice) curtains together. After getting back in bed, I checked the time and saw it was 3 in the morning;3 hours until I had to wake up for school. I turned to face the wall and soon fell into a peaceful sleep.


Yawning I sat up and started my daily routine but the man kept occupying my thoughts. I eventually got to school and my first class. Why didn't he kill me? Who was he?
I jerked my head away from the window and saw the class staring at me. A few were whispering and snickering.
"Y-yes m'am?" I replied with flushed cheeks.
"Listen and pay attention in my class."My teacher turned back to the board.
I sighed and looked down. This is gonna be a long day.

~Time Skip bc school is boorring~

"Y/n! How was your day honey?" My mom yelled from the kitchen as I closed the front door.
"It was good." I lied." I'm going up to my room to work on homework."
"Okay honey."
I trudged up the stairs to my room. As soon as I got to my room, I took my laptop out and started to research any recent murders in the area. After a couple hours of searching I came across a story called 'Jeff the Killer' and it accurately described the intruder I saw last night. I gave up satisfied that I had at least found some info.
"Dinner's ready!" My mom called from downstairs.
I stood and raced downstairs because I was starving.

~Another time skip~

I had already took a shower and was sitting on my bed playing my laptop.
I jumped and looked to the source of the sound. My window. I grabbed my pocket knife from my nightstand and cautiously walked over. Pulling back the curtains I discovered Jeff sitting on the roof. Curiosity killed the cat. I thought as I opened my window.
"Hey." Was all Jeff said as he climbed through my window.
I stared for a minute before asking him"So your name is Jeff?".
He froze " How did you know that?"
"This little thing called the Internet."
He smirked " Sassy aren't we, y/n?"
I rolled my eyes. It didn't surprise me that he knew. He was a killer after all.
He stayed and we talked for a little while. I almost felt as if he was a friend. I mean it's not like I really have friends at school; I keep to myself and no one bothered me, usually.

"Jeff it's 2 in the morning. I need sleep for school." I yawned.
"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked hopefully.
"Sure." I giggled.
"Goodnight." He called walking to the window.
"Night." He left and I quickly fell asleep.

A Killer Life( Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now