New Home

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Jeff's POV
"Jeff Where ha-... Who's that?" Clockwork asks.
"A friend. Where's EJ? I need him to help her." I replied.
"In his room." She pointed upstairs.
I jogged up the stairs and walked to EJ's door.
"EJ open up I need your help!" Before I could even finish he had opened the door.
"What is it?" He asked
"She got shot in the leg." He nodded and motioned for me to come in.
I laid y/n on the bed and moved out of the way.
"I'm going to talk to slender." I stated and walked out.


I watched as this man named EJ pulled out a bunch of medical tools then walked over to me. He pulled the piece of cloth ,that was covering the wound, off. He started inspecting it.
" I'm going to have to pull the bullet out with tweezers then stitch it up but it's gonna hurt pretty bad. Okay?"
I just nodded and prepared myself for the pain. He took some tweezers and slowly started trying to dig the bullet out. I balled my fist and tears pricked my eyes. I don't think I've ever been in this much pain except when I was shot. A minute later he pulled it out even though it felt like eternity. Placing it on a table he grabbed a needle and thread. Although the stitching hurt it didn't hurt near as bad as the bullet.
"I'm done. Your leg is gonna be sore for a few days but you should be able to walk." He looked at me and that's when I realised he had black eyes that dripped down. I was surprised but also it wasn't the weirdest thing that's ever happened.
"Okay, thank you." I responded
" Are you hungry?"
I realised I hadn't eaten anything since lunch and was starving.
" Yeah actually that'd be great."
He got up and I took it as a cue to follow him.

Jeff's POV
(Talking with Slender)
Knocking on the wooden doors, I began to grow nervous.
"Come in." Slender 'a voice boomed. I took a deep breath and entered his office.
He looked up at me expectedly.
" I kind of brought a girl into the mansion..." I began and braced myself to be yelled at.
"Jeff! Do you know how dangerous that is?!" He stood up from his seat.
"Yes but she was hurt and she didn't have anywhere else to go and she's my friend." I had to defend her for my sake.
"Wait is that why you've been acting different these past few weeks?"
Slender sighed.
"Fine she can can stay BUT she's your responsibility and I would like to meet her."
"Of course!" I didn't actually think it would be this easy to convince him.

I walked out of his office and to EJ's room. They weren't in there so I wandered downstairs and found them in the kitchen. Y/n was eating a sandwich and Ej was was sitting beside her talking to her. I smiled because she was okay.

"Hey y/n!" I smiled as I walked into the kitchen.
" Oh hey Jeff." She turned and smiled.
"So Slender said you can stay here but he wants to meet you."
"Okay." She finished her sandwich and I lead her upstairs but she seemed to be nervous...

Hey sorry it's been a few days since I updated. I'm just updating whenever I have time. Also thanks for reading :) and I'm always open to suggestions!

A Killer Life( Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now