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Y/N's Pov
"Rise and shine."
I clenched my eyes shut. I was definitely not a morning person. Then someone poked my face. I groaned remembering what happened yesterday.
"Fine I'm up." I grumbled.
"Good. You might want to go ahead and take a shower. We will start as soon as breakfast is over." Zalgo left not waiting for an answer.
I wrenched myself out of bed and went to the dresser. I decided to wear (outfit of choice). Turning on the shower, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My features seemed so distorted; it seemed so long ago that I was a teenager leading a normal life. Steam started rising around me and I turned my attention back to the shower. The warm water hit my back and I realized how long it had been since I had had an actual shower. The water was extremely soothing. After my shower, I changed and reentered my room. A butler was waiting beside the door.
"This way m'lady."
Confused I followed him. He led me to the dining hall where Zalgo was already eating. The seat opposite of him had a fresh plate of food in front of it and I assumed that's where I was sitting. Once I sat down, I practically choked down the food.
"Today we will be practicing basic training like defending yourself and such." Zalgo began.
"But I have powers so why would I need training for that?" I questioned.
"Just in case. Anyways have you ever had training before?"
"Yeah, I've trained with Jeff. Speaking of which, what will they think when I don't return."
"Oh I told them you were gone."
"WHAT!?" I jumped out of my seat.
"Relax it'll be a nice surprise when you show up. Now let's go train."
I rolled my eyes and followed him to a large room.
"We will start with a knife then work from there." He spoke.
I nodded and took the knife he offered. As I got in a fighting stance, a black mist that resembled a human appeared in front of me. The mist lunged at me and due to my surprise it pinned me down.
"You can't allow yourself to be vulnerable like that. You could've died if that was real." Zalgo instructed.
"Sorry." I muttered.
"Don't be sorry, fix it."
Another mist appeared and I slashed at it with my knife. A cut appeared on its arm, but in my victory I got pinned again.

~Several hours laters~
I swung my knife and it dug into the chest of one enemy. Pivoting, I chucked the knife at the last mist. It landed in the middle of its head then the mist evaporated.
"Well done." Zalgo complimented.
Sweat poured down my face and my breathing was erratic. We had been practicing for hours without break.
"You can go take a shower and get changed. Do you realize what you learned today?"
"How to defend myself." I stated like it was obvious.
"Yes ,but more importantly how to listen to me."
I headed down the hall toward my room and quickly hopped into the shower. The training session was intense ,yet I enjoyed it. It was amazing to see the true strength that I didn't even know I had. This week may not be so bad after all.
Hello, hello. Okay so this doesn't count as an make up update because I would normally update today anyways. Also I'm not sure how I want the story to progress from here so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for reading and I will see you soon my lovelies!💘💘💘
P.s. I don't know if you guys watched the video, but I suggest watching it because it is really cool.

A Killer Life( Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now