Food Wars

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~Y/N's POV~
I trudged downstairs with a growling stomach. It was around 12 and all the creepypastas were gathering in the dining room where a lunch sat ready. Slender always made meals and no one complained because they were always super good.
You took your seat near the end of the table and waited. As I had learned in my few months of living here, you can only eat after Slendy had been seated and started eating his food. It was a respect thing and you went along with it. Chatter was heard around the table at this point. Masky sat down beside me.
"Hey Masky. What's up?" I ask.
""Not much,y/n. You?"
"Same" I said sighing.
A few seconds later, later Slendy walked in and silence fell over the room like a veil. I watched as Slender walked to the head of the table and sat down. He picked his fork up and everyone immediately began eating. Chatter soon consumed the room again but I stayed quite due to my tired state. Suddenly I heard a splat and looked up to find Jane with ketchup sliding down her face.
"Oops" Jeff grinned.
Soon Jane was throwing any food she could find at him. One by one the others joined in. I glance at Slender but he just shook his head and left. He must be tired too. I took a mental note that could come in handy later.
Suddenly a felt something hit my shoulder. I saw a pancake slide down my arm and looked at the culprit. Toby. I took my chicken and nailed him in the face with it. He threw another pancake but I managed to dodge it. Soon it became all out war in the dining room. Food was flying everywhere and hitting everything. After about 20 minutes, the chaos ceased. There was no food left to throw but instead food was littered all over the dining room. Certain pastas were eyeing each other. *cough* Jane and Jeff *cough* Suddenly Slender appeared.
"Now that you are all done acting like fools. You can clean the dining room." And then left without another word.
Groans and sighs echoed through the room, me included.

*Says in spongebob voice*
Five hours later...
Everyone had finally finished cleaning the dining room with minimal complaints. Well at least less than normal. By now it was time for dinner and my mouth was watering. I could smell the lovely aroma coming from the kitchen. Soon we were all eating again but this time everyone was silent. At least it was an interesting day....

I'm so sorry for the late update. Seriously I have been so busy this week. I'm really tired and yeah. Thank you for all the views my lovelies! I can't believe this many people actually read my writing!💘💘 Anyways I hope you enjoyed and until next time.
Melody out✌🏼️

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