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I heard a crackle from my Tv as it flickered to life.
"Ben?" I rolled my eyes.
He jumped out of the to and landed ungracefully on the floor.
"Ugh dang it! I was trying to scare you!" He sighed.
I laughed "Nice try. Real smooth."
He got up and sat criss-cross on the floor.
"Well wanna help me prank the others?" He grinned a mischievous grin; one that I reciprocated.
"Where do we start?" I asked
He jumped up and beckoned me to follow him. We ended up at Jeff's door.
"He's out right now so we can set it up really quickly."
I nodded and we began the set up.
A few minutes later we had three glitter canons that would trigger when he opened the door. Next we moved onto Lj's room and replaced all his candy with mints. We continued throughout the house until everyone has or was waiting to be pranked.

~Time Skip~
Ben and I was playing Mario Cart when-
"BEN, Y/N!!!"
We looked up to see an angry Jeff with glitter all over him. Ben and me burst out laughing but was cut short when Jeff started running downstairs with his knife. Ben grabbed my hand and pulled me into the tv. It was weird. My stomach was tingly and it was pitch black around me but soon we was in the floor of my room.
"Woah." I mumbled to myself. I heard Jeff scream downstairs which cause me and Ben to go into hysterics again. Soon we heard the others start shouting and me and Ben jumped out of my window as A few of the pastas burst through my door. We ran through the forest until we thought we were safe. Then we sat down to rest a little.
"That was fun!" Ben grinned.
"Yeah let's do it again sometime." I nodded in agreement.
Soon we head back to the mansion and discovered we had to clean the whole mansion. Meh. It was worth it. I thought as I grabbed a mop.
Sorry this chapter was really short guys but I promise to update tomorrow. Thanks for all the reads!! It really means a lot; I started out just wanting to write a story,not caring how many reads it got, but it's amazing that this many people actually want to read my writing! So once again,Thank you!💘💘💘

See you soon, my lovely readers!

A Killer Life( Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now