Moving In

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-So just a note this is kind of how I picture a human Peridot looking. The artist is summersnowleopard on tumblr. Hope you guys enjoy my fic!-

*Peridot's POV*

"So are you excited for school next year Jasper?" 

"OHH yeah, the high school here has one of the best football teams in the country!"  

"That's good. I have no doubt you'll make the team." Mother pauses for a moment before giving me that god-awful side eye she does from the front seat. "and what about you Peridot?" 

"I mean I guess so. I'm excited to be going to a school with art classes." I say looking out the car window at the blurs of trees and street signs.

"Art? I though we talked about that. I want you to study something useful like math or science, not drawing." She spits, gaining a snicker from Jasper.

"But Mother-" 

"No buts. You will study something useful." She interrupts. I sigh and close my eyes. Mother always shoots me down. All I want to do is make friends and draw and enjoy being 16. The only friend i've had in a long time is my sister. She protects me and is fairly nice to me but she always acts like she is so tough.... plus she never misses an opportunity to suck up to mother. Jasper has always been her favorite. I relax a bit, leaning on the window and folding my arms up under my chin. I hope it's better here...

*Time skip*

I wake up and pry my face off of my arms.

"We're here loser wake up" Jasper says as she exits the car. I rub my eyes and put my glasses on. The house is pretty big. Two stories with white walls and black accents, and on the side there seems to be a little porch area so that's kinda cool. Grabbing my bag, I get out of the car and follow my family to the door. Jasper and her football buddies already moved all of our stuff here, all I have to do is help unpack. Mother unlocks the door and we go inside. Jasper immediately starts to unpack, no doubt jumping at the chance to get some exercise. The house seems much smaller inside, to the left is a small dining area, in front of me is the kitchen, and to my right is a medium sized living area.  I decide to look around a bit more. Past the kitchen is the master bedroom and bathroom and the stairs. Upstairs is a bathroom and two more bedrooms, the one on the right being the smaller one and the left the bigger one. Knowing there wasn't a chance in hell of me getting the bigger one (especially because Jasper put her bed in there already) I head into the one on the right and toss my bag down on my previously moved bed. Letting out a sigh, I start to unpack.

*The next morning*

Loud music blares from downstairs jolting me awake. Damn it Jasper. I stretch out and get out of bed. Heading over to my closet, I grab a pair of black jeans and a green alien T-shirt and get dressed. Mother obviously left for work or else Jasper would be getting her ass handed to her for the noise. Downstairs, Jasper is in the kitchen making food for her underwear. I at least have the decency to put clothes on in the morning. 

"Morning dork!" she says loudly so I can hear her over the Green Day music filling the house. 

"Good morning Jasper. Do you mind turning that down a bit?" I ask walking in to the kitchen.

"Ughhh buzzkill" She turns it down to a relatively normal volume and continues to make her eggs.

"Thank you" I say much quieter now. She nods and I grab a green apple off the counter heading over to the table to sit down, but a knock at the front door keeps that from happening. Who would be here? I set the apple down with a sigh and make my way to the door, practically swimming through boxes. Through the peep-hole I see a tall woman with faded pink hair and a little boy who looked ready to burst with joy. 

"Yes?" I ask as I open the door a crack.

"Hi! I'm Steven!" he says excitedly, reaching his hand out for me to shake. 

"Oh um- hello there, I'm Peridot." I say, awkwardly shaking the boy's hand.

" I'm sorry" the tall lady says, slightly blushing from embarrassment. "He's just really excited to have new neighbors. I'm Pearl." She too shakes my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." I say  "I would invite you in but my sister seems to have lost her pants" I laugh coming outside and closing the door. 

"Oh that's okay " Pearl smiles and backs up giving me some space to stand.

"So are you his mother" I ask 

"Well, yes one of them" she says looking down at the kid and messing up his fluffy hair.

"Yeah! My other mom would have been here too but she had to work."  Steven adds in.

I nod and smile.

"You want to come over and see my drawings??" Steven asks, his eyes practically starry.

"Um sure I guess?" I reply rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Okay cool! See you then Peridot! We're the house with the pretty mailbox." the boy says as he walks away with Pearl. When I open the door to head back inside I get hit in the stomach with my breakfast.

"Ow what the hell Jas!!"  I yell bending over with my hands on my knees.

"T-that apple isn't ke-keeping any doctors away!" she manages to say between laughs. I grunt and head upstairs to go brush my teeth. 

What a jerk.

-New In Town- (Steven Universe Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now