The Quartz Family

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God why must my hair never just work with me. Ugh. Fuck it. I grab my favorite snapback to cover the disaster on my head. Hmm. I think. Jas could use some pants. I laugh to myself about what her reaction would be if I threw pants at her face heheh.

Jaspers room is really starting to look like her. She must have been up all night decorating. Posters of bands, and athletes line the walls. Her stupidly large collection of trophies from various sports sit atop her dresser along with her glasses that she refuses to wear. She says glasses are for nerds. Which really does'nt make sense considering our whole family needs them to ya know...see. I head towards the dresser pulling out a random pair of joggers. Yep. These will do.

I head back down to the living room. Jasper's classy self is just sprawled on the couch with her eggs doing whatever it is she does on her phone. I ball up the sweats and ready my aim. They hit her square in the face and almost knock her plate away. It was a beautiful sight.

"Here. I'm tired of looking at your ass." I say as I head for the door almost tripping on my weaponized breakfast.

"You love my ass." she snaps back with a mouth full of food.

"That's disgusting"

Jesus Christ Jasper. I head outside. The morning sun blinding me more than I already am. The one with the pretty mailbox huh?

I start walking in the direction the pair left in looking at each mailbox as I pass. To my left I see a pink mailbox with hand painted roses covering it.

Yeah that has to be it.

The mailbox reads in dainty white cursive "Quartz".
Alrighty P-dot you got this. Just be cool, don't act stupid. I take a deep breath and head up to the step. The doorbell rang a simple piano meledy. Before I could even collect my thoughts the woman from before is standing in the doorway in front of me.

"Hello Peridot." she says in a welcoming tone.

"Uhm- hi uh- Steven-" I mutter out.

"Yes I know he wants to show you his little doodles. Come on in."

I step inside, gazing around the room.

"Steven! Amy! Our new neighbor is here! Come say hello!"
Pearl yells out in an almost sing-songy voice.

"Your house is really lovely ma'am" I say quietly as I take in the scene. I wasn't just saying that either. Their house is beautiful. A large wooden staircase sits just in front of the door with a living room to one side and dining room to the other. The walls are painted white and there is a lot of beautiful wooden furniture along with some flower themes.

"Peridot you came!!" Steven yells as he runs down the stairs.

"Steven! No running!" Pearl scolds. To no avail however cause another kid bolts right past Steven down the stairs.

"Hi! I'm Amethyst, but you can just call me Amy for short." The older kid says, putting her hands in her pockets.

"Hi Amy, and hello Steven." I say with a smile. Amy seems very laid back compared to the other two. She has long brown hair and freckles, and she seems to have a similar style to my sister. Joggers and a tank top.

Pearl goes toward the kitchen while Steven leads me to his bedroom, Amy following behind.
Upon entering the room the amount of creativity is almost overwhelming. Stars and roses are drawn around the white walls along with a variety of other simple drawings. Fairy lights trim the top of the walls and around his bed. A big art desk sits in the corner and an assortment of toys are scattered about.

"Tada! Whaddya think Peridot?" he asks excitidly

"Wow Steven. These are really good!" I proceed to point out my favorites and talk with him about our shared hobby for a bit.

Steven is a really sweet kid.

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