The Party P.2

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*Peridot's POV*

I can't take my eyes off Lapis. She moves beautifully. I, on the other hand, do not, but I don't even care at this point. I can practically feel how into the song she is. She holds a content smile as she moves her hips. I try to keep my cool but it's proving very difficult. The song ends and Lapis fixes her hair and puts her hand on my shoulder for support as she laughs.

We stand around and talk for a bit before she decides on another beer. Once we enter the kitchen Jasper calls us over to her.

"Yo P, Lapis! We're doing body shots! Get over here!"

I don't like the sound of that.

"What the hell are body shots?" I question my voice slightly slurred.

"Okay watch." Jasper takes the bottle from before and pours a shot out. She then leans in to her boyfriends neck licking slowly. She giggles a bit, obviously drunk. Next, she grabs the salt shaker from the counter almost falling over in the process and dumps some salt in her hand, rubbing it on Topaz's neck. She gets a small chunk of lime that they have sliced up off the counter and puts it in his mouth. "Mkay." Jasper licks the salt from the boys neck, takes the shot and leans in grabbing the lime out of his mouth, kissing him in the process.

My sister wipes her mouth off "Your turn." She says with a smirk.

I turn to lapis who is now obviously blushing.

"Okay Uhm- so who's taking the shot?" I ask her awkwardly.

"I don't really like doing shots." She says rubbing her neck awkwardly. I nod in response.

I step towards the pink faced girl, my breath hitched in my throat. Lapis leans down so I can reach and I gently glide my tongue against her skin, feeling her heart pulsing heavily, and press the salt on.  Jas already poured my shot so I just grab the lime and place it between her lips.  She looks like she's gonna faint which low-key makes me happy. Okay Peri, you got this. The salt tastes harsh when I lick it off but the alcohol is worse. I take a breath and press my lips against the now wide eyed girls. Taking the lime into my mouth and pulling away. She lets out a laugh and releases her held breath and I join in on her laugh as jasper cheers behind us.

Lapis walks to the fridge grabbing another beer and a water bottle.

"You don't need any more. I don't think your little body can handle it" She says with that stupid smirk of hers and hands me the water.

I scoff and laugh before walking over to Jasper. "You know moms home by now right? What's the plan for the night dude?" I ask leaning on the counter for support.

"Bruh I'm staying here but you can do what you want to." She replies in a slur

"You can stay at my house Peri." Lapis says from behind me startling me a bit. How the hell did she get there. Oh yeah. She probably just took two steps away from where she was standing. I mentally face palm.

We dance around and talk for the remainder of the party. This is the most fun I've had in years...

*Lapis' POV*

I still haven't calmed down after the whole body shot thing but Peri seems to have completely forgot about it. She is basically falling over trying to dance with me. I decide to call it a night and haul Peri outside, pulling out my phone. I call Rose considering I can't drive and Garnet is probably in bed.

Rose- Hey you Okay it's like 2 AM??

Me- yeahhhh me and the girl I told you about are at a party and I can't drive...

Rose- Silly kids. I might have a had some wine too so I'll send Pearl to come get you

I tell her where we are and Pearl pulls up about 30 mins later.  Peri gets in and slumps in the seat and I sit beside her in the back letting her lean on me.

"You guys okay?" Pearl asks looking in the rear view at us.

I laugh a bit "yeah... Peri might have had a bit too much to drink." The small girl groans a bit and burrows into my neck. 

Pearl nods and we drive off.
This girl is gonna be the death of me..💕

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