The Party P. 1

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Content Warning- The next few chapters have drinking, drugs, and mild sexual stuffs lmao

*Peridot's POV*

Yesterday Jasper invited me to her boyfriends stupid birthday party. At first, I was completely against being around a bunch of drunk idiots and loud music but I keep hearing everyone talking about it and I think it might actually end up being fun. Plus, I haven't had anything to drink since we moved. Not like it was a regular thing I did but still it was fun sometimes. Plus my sister is dating the quarterback and it's his party so at least I'd have people there...

I set my lunch tray down by the tree where me and lapis sit and wait for her to show up. Before long she shows up and sits down with me.

"Hey Lazuli. So, I was wondering if you were going to the party tonight?" I ask before taking a bite of my apple slice.

"Uhm ya know tons of loud drunken people isn't really my thing.. why? Are you?" She says crossing her legs under her.

"Well yeah I was planning on it but I dunno" I reply.

"Welllll, if you're going maybe I'll show up. If I'm not busy." She replies with a smirk that makes my stomach do flips.


We finish eating and head back inside.

*Time skip*

I double check myself in the mirror. I think this looks okay? I guess? I have on ripped black jeans with combat boots and my favorite tank top. Okay. I throw my snap back on and head downstairs.

"God took you long enough" my sister says with a scoff.

We get in the truck and drive towards her boyfriends house. When we pull up I hear the loud music pounding throughout the house. I jump when a hand slaps on my window followed by an obnoxious laugh. The truck door opens and I get out.

"Hey mini Jasper!" The extremely large dude says, putting me in a half-assed head lock.

"Uh sup" I reply awkwardly. Jasper grabs his arm and I follow them inside. The large house is shaking from the music and a handful of people are standing around and dancing. Some I recognize and some are new in my world. To the left is a wall with a doorway on each side leading to a large kitchen. To the right is a couple couches with people slouched into them and clouds of smoke floating around.

I walk with the couple into the kitchen where there's surprisingly not many people. Topaz grabs the nearest bottle and pours out three shots pushing one towards me.

"Cheers yo!" The boy says playfully before him and Jasper down the contents of the glasses. I do the same, gagging slightly but keeping it together. He lets out a sharp "whoop" noise and lines up three more drinks. We take the next round. It tastes worse the second time...

"Yo Topaz have you seen Lapis yet?" I ask the blond haired boy.


"She'll show, bet." Jasper says casually.

"Alright well way to kill it p-dot" Topaz says happily wrapping his arm around my sister "I'm gonna go socialize. Help yourself to whatever"

The two walk out leaving me in the kitchen. I look around and decide on a simple beer. I head back out to the living room leaning against the wall and sipping my beer down. My chest feels warm and I'm suddenly feeling a lot less stressed about being here. The door is straight across from me and I watch it carefully for my blue haired friend.

I zoned out for a while and missed her walk in but I notice her standing across the room awkwardly searching for me. Moments later Lapis grabs my sister and whispers to her. Jas points me out and Lapis heads toward me. I take a breath.

"Hey!" I half yell over the music and motion her to follow me. We get to the kitchen, now crawling with people.

I lean in so she can hear me. "Want something to drink??"

She nods and points to the beer in my hand I grab two from the fridge and hand one to my crush. She pops the cap off and chugs it down in seconds before grabbing mine and opening it with a laugh.

"Okay damn!" I say with a tipsy laugh before grabbing another for myself.

"Just trying to catch up to you" the girl laughs

We return to the living room as the next song comes on and her eyes widen.

" P I love this song! You should come dance with me!" Lapis says loudly before grabbing my hand and leading me into the crowd.

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