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*Peridot's POV*

It's been almost a week since me and Lapis last hung out outside of school. I've talked to her everyday and it feels amazing being her friend but I wish she could know how truly obsessed I am with her. Every little thing she does makes my heart skip a beat...

I put on some of the songs she played when she spent the night. My upper half hangs off the side of my bed as I lay vibing out and thinking about my blue haired crush. How is she so perfect. Her gentleness, her creativity, her passion, her weakness...let alone her physical attributes...

"Uh. You alright there dude" Jaspers voice startles me making me fall of my bed on to the floor. Jasper laughs walking over and helping me up. She sits on the bed and beckons me to sit too.

"You've been weird as shit lately what's up with you?" She questions bluntly

"I want to tell you but I don't know how you would react.." I reply looking up at my older sister.

"Oh now I gotta know" she replies laughing at my drama "don't worry what I think I'm just worried dude"
I pause for longer than her attention span can handle and she speaks once again "what you gay or something???" She says laughing again.

I stay silent looking up at her again tears starting to run down my cheeks.

"Oh. Oh shit. Okay um- don't cry I was kidding but that's alright dude. I don't care who you fuck with. Besides. I'm Bi. I just don't talk about it. If mom knew she would like disown me or something " She says putting her hand on my shoulder softly.

Her statement sends so many emotions through me. For one, she's gay too???? And didn't fucking tell me? That would have made this so much easier. Looks like mom has two
"If mom would disown you for being bi she would hate me..." I say shakily through my tears.

"Look kid. We just don't tell her. I'm an adult. If I get a scholarship for football I can get my own place and take you and L with." Jasper says half sympathetically. Wait. Me and L?

"Lapis?" I question

"Bruh I know you hella like her. I've seen you with her at school. I knew you were gay a long time ago I just wanted you to tell me." She's says "Look. Topaz is having a party this weekend and all upperclassmen are invited. Convince her to go and tell her how you feel. Hell, do it drunk or something if you have to. I told Topaz I liked him at the concert high off my ass and he still believed me" Jasper continues, laughing and punching me in the arm.

That sounds like a bad idea but I can't keep forcing myself to hide how I feel.

*Lapis' POV*

I reach Steven's house and walk in. Pearl and Rose are like family to me. Garnet and I can go over whenever we want to, plus I'm Steven's babysitter.

"Hello Lapis~" Rose says as I walk in, hugging me. "Did you come to see the kids?"

"Uhm- no actually I came to see you" I reply sitting on the couch with her.

"Oh, well then, what can I do for you?" She says giving me a loving smile.

"I need advice" I reply

"Well I'm pretty good at that." She giggles

I smile and continue. "So there's this girl, Peridot. I think I really like her and I think she likes me too? But I really can't tell... She said she gets nervous around me and when it came up I asked if she likes guys and she said she didn't know and I asked if she liked girls and she said she didn't know. I fell asleep over there and she called me cute when she thought I was sleeping and when we hung out at the beach she kissed my arm cause uh... well yeah you know. Maybe that's just how she is though and I'm assuming things..." I rant to the pink haired woman beside me.

Rose giggles again and wraps her hands around mine. "Hunny. She has feelings for you. She just doesn't understand them yet. When Pearl and I met she was very shy around me and always hinted things at me but she never said anything about it. Until one day, she got brave and kissed me. I knew she liked me the whole time but nothing was ever set in stone. Peridot seems confused about her feelings. You need to either talk to her about it or let it play out on it's own. Just be yourself and if she likes you, you'll know it." She says and lets go of my hands before standing up. "Do you want tea or coffee or anything?"

"Yes, tea is fine thank you Rose.." I reply softly. She winks and walks out of the room.

Just let it play out.

-New In Town- (Steven Universe Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now