Chapter Four

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Running my hand along the edges of the book I try to see one that sticks out to me. Today was my day to decide where me and Farrah would go and I immediately chose the library. I need some inspiration.

I was in one aisle while Farrah was in another one trying to find a book for me as well. The sound of small giggles caught my attention, I look around me to see where it was coming from but I was the only one in this section.

Maybe I'm hearing things. I carry on walking and the giggles come closer in my hearing, it's coming from the end of the section. Ignoring the books I walk further along to see a bunch of children sitting down on the ground.

Why are there so many children sitting on the ground anyway? I walk further along to hear a voice- a male voice to be precise. Its Noah my mind immediately tells me and it is him. Noah is sitting on a chair in front of the kids and it looks like he's telling them a story.

Wait, if Noah is here then why aren't there any paparazzi outside the library. There are only the children, Noah....and a camera; they're probably filming some sort of advert or something. Noah looks up and his eyes direct straight into mine.

This is the second time I'm seeing him, last week I thought that I would never seen him again but I guess I was completely wrong. I'm about to wave to him when someone blocks my view.

"You can't be here" The lady says sternly.

I nod my head and try to look around her but it was no use.

"Sorry" I apologise.

Looking back around her I see that Noah's attention is directed back to the kids. I feel a frown form on my face. Maybe he doesn't remember meeting me.

"Miss, you need to leave at this moment" The lady says once again.

I look into her blue eyes and could tell she means business.

Turning around I make my way back down the aisle. I guess Noah doesn't know who I am. I shouldn't really be this surprised anyway, he meets fans every's nothing new.

"Amber" I hear Farrah call out to me from the end.

I jog towards her and give her a small smile.

"Hey, I was just about to search for you" I say.

Farrah rolls her eyes and sits down on a table. Taking a seat opposite her I raise my eyebrows.

"What happened back there...the lady looked really angry" Farrah says with her eyes focusing on the aisle I came out off.

"Oh um, Noah was there" I tell her.

This time Farrah was the one to raise her eyebrows at me.

"Look Amber, you're my best friend so this is why I'm going to say this but, you shouldn't run after guys" She points out.

Clenching my hands together I try to hold in my anger. Farrah always thinks that I'm running after guys but I'm not, it's wrong in all sorts of way and I'm not sort of girl.

"Farrah you know that running after guys is wrong" I reply back to her in a quiet tone.

"That's what I want to remind you off" She states with sincerity in her eyes. "You'll find the right one" She adds on at the end.

"Ok let's forget about this- I want to show you some of my ideas"

"Great" Farrah says with a wide smile.

Opening my bag I get out my folder and show her some of the things which I've been working on. We get engrossed in my work that minutes pass by without the both of us knowing.

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