Chapter Eighteen

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"Noah are you ok?" I ask into the phone before he can even say hello.

"I should be asking you that question" He replies back with a small chuckle.

Letting out a deep breath I lean my back against the bathroom door and close my eyes.

"I'm fine, I just got a cut on my lip but I'll survive" I tell him. "What did my dad say to you?" I ask him a few seconds later.

"I...I shouldn't say" Noah replies back humour leaving his tone.

"Please tell me Noah, I want to know" I say in a whisper in case someone's waiting outside the bathroom.

"He told me not to cause such a scene, he doesn't want you getting involved in the media in that way" Oh Abu, trust you to say that.

"Noah, I'll text you I have to cut the phone now"

"Sure that's fine. You are fine right, nothing is hurting right?" He asks.

"I'm fine Noah, thanks for asking"

"No problem, talk to you later Amber" I cut the phone off and immediately call Farrah up.

"Oh my God I saw you on the news!" Farrah exclaims as soon as she picks up the phone.

"Was it bad?"

"It was intense! He likes you Amber, he one hundred percent likes you. You should have seen Noah's face when that guy hit you with the camera, his face went all red and he went and attacked him like a gorilla- it was like I was watching EastEnders"

"Really Farrah, really?"

"Yes Amber but beside the point, he likes you!" Noah likes me? Noah can't like me, why would he like me when he can have anybody else he wants.

"Noah doesn't like me, how can you tell?"

"Amber you're so oblivious. Remember when we first met him, he didn't know you and kept looking at you, then he made conversation, he wanted your phone number, he gave you tickets to his match and he finds any excuse he can to be with you- is that not obvious enough?" She says all in one breath. "But Amber, do you like him?" She continues.

"I....I can't like him in that way Farrah"

"Amber, do you like him?" She repeats again.

Do I like Noah? All those time we were together, I'd get all shy and I couldn't look him in the eye and when I did look him in the eye I would just fall into them.

I...I think I like him- I like Noah.


"Ami, I've got all of the stuff" I tell her as soon as I enter the kitchen.

Putting the bags down onto the table I take my jacket off.

"Thank you beta, you go and have some rest you must be tired" Ami says.

I give her a smile and run upstairs; going into my room I put my jacket onto the bed and let out a yawn from tiredness.

Hearing a loud laughter I look at my wall to see that it's coming from Adam. I wonder what he's doing.

Leaving my room I go to his and open the door slowly to see that he's sitting on the bed playing Fifa and the person next to him is Noah.

What's Noah doing here and why didn't he tell me that he was going to come down?

"Amber, get me a drink" Adam says when he sees me.

My eyes flicker over to Noah's to see that he's looking at me as well but there's no smile on his face like there usually is.

That means something is up.

"Get it yourself Adam" I leave the room and go back into my own.

Shutting the door behind me I walk to my wardrobe and open the draw and the first thing that comes in front of my vision is red.

Noah's football shirt, taking it out I hold it in my hands. After he gave it to me I washed it and put it back into my draw.

I've never wore it on, maybe I should see what it looks like. I start to unbutton my jumper when I hear a knock on my door.

Nobody knocks my door. Buttoning my jumper back on I put the shirt back into the draw and go to open the door.

"Hey" Noah says once I notice that it's him.

"Hi" I say can't helping but smile with my heart skipping a beat.

Noah helps himself in and shuts the door behind him.

"I texted you" He says.

"You did?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah I did"

"Sorry I haven't checked my phone since the morning"

"No worries. I just wanted to tell you that I want you to meet me up at the same café tomorrow at twelve" He says with a straight face.

Noah knows I can't meet up with him so why does he keep asking?

"Noah I can't"

"Well then lie" He says stepping a bit closer to me. "It's important" He adds on looking in both of my eyes.

Letting out a sigh I nod my head.

"Ok...I'll try"

Without saying another word Noah leaves my room leaving me in a confused and messy state.

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