Chapter Twenty-Two

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I look over at Noah whose eyes are solely looking at my front door waiting for someone to open it. Noah said that he made the decision that we are going to talk to Ami and Abu about this before progressing any further.

The door opens after what seems like a decade revealing Abu. Abu looks at me and then at Noah in confusion before he lets out a smile.

"Hello, come in" Abu says to Noah.

Noah gives Abu a small smile before entering the house with me right behind him. Abu gives me the look asking what Noah is doing here but I don't give a single expression back.

Noah and Abu sit down on the sofa with Ami sitting on the other one. Noah greets Ami and she says hello back.

I stand in the small corner of the room in front of both Ami, Abu and Noah. Noah looks over at me and gives me a small nod telling me that he's going to confess.

I immediately feel my heart starting to race in fear and start asking Allah for help in my head.

Allah please make Ami and Abu understand, please help me Allah.

"You must be thinking about why I'm here" Noah says after some silence.

"Would you like something to drink?" Abu asks him.

"No thank you. I just stopped by because I wanted to discuss something very important with you both" Noah says in a full confident voice looking at both Ami and Abu.

"What would you like to talk to us about?" Abu asks him.

"Well.... over the past year since I came across to meeting your family I've grown quite fascinated with your religion of Islam. It came to a point where I started going to the mosque, reading the Quran in English and learning more into the religion. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've converted and I am now officially a Muslim" Abu and Ami looked shocked but Abu's face breaks into a smile.

He puts his hand forward for Noah to shake which he does and then proceeds to give Noah a hug with that smile still on his face.

I can't help but smile myself at the sight in front of me. I hope that Abu still has that smile on his face when Noah tells him what he wants to next.

"But there's more" Noah tells Abu once they break free of the hug.

"What else is there?" Abu asks with a bit of excitement showing from his voice.

"The main reason why I wanted to convert to Islam and why I wanted to learn more about the religion was because of a specific person. When I met this person they just seemed to click for me, I wanted to see them every day and wanted to know them a bit better. They were so innocent and that innocence intrigued me and this is when I knew that I would want to spend the rest of my life with this person. Sir...this person is none other than your daughter...Amber" Noah looks over at me but I don't look back at him.

My eyes are just on Abu and Ami who looked shocked. Abu is looking straight at me; the shock leaving his face and now being replaced with anger.

"You've been going behind my back and dating!" Abu stands up his face all red and veins popping on his forehead.

I shrink back into the wall in fear because I don't think I've seen him this angry.

"Sir that's not true. We never ever dated, Amber always told me it was wrong which is why I've come down today to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage" Abu looks over at Noah who has now stood up.

Abu is looking up at Noah due to their height difference and I'm worried about what he might do to him.

"Abu please try to understand" I go forward and hold onto Abu's arm who is still looking at Noah.

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