Untitled Part 5

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Mulder's POV

As the water from the shower ran down to my body, I closed my eyes and all I could think of was Scully's reaction to what I said last night. Her big, beautiful, blue eyes looked at me like I was crazy. That's what other people think of me. I don't know why I was hurt emotionally about it. I was not like this when I told other people about what happened to my sister. But last night, when I looked at her, it was like I was stabbed by a knife right through my heart. I got upset and left her there, in the middle of the woods. I know it's a stupid thing to leave her there but my feelings get the best out of me. Crap! There's that feeling again.

"Foooox! Are you finished there?" my mom shouted from the kitchen. "You're going to be late for your physics class!"

Then I opened my eyes even though the shower was still on. Great, I will be seeing Scully today in physics class. I want to skip that class again for the millionth time, but we have a long quiz today. And I can't afford to miss it. My grades were important to me.

Then, 15 minutes later I went downstairs to the kitchen. Mom and Dad were already eating their pancakes.

"I just have to eat this on the way to school mom, there's no time to eat. I will be late." I said flatly.

Dad put down his newspaper and asked, "Are you okay son? You looked like you didn't get enough sleep last night."

"I'm okay dad, I studied last night and slept late," I answered.

"You sure, honey?" asked my mom.

I just nodded and smiled at them then I left the house. As I was driving my car, which I finally got yesterday, I saw Scully. Walking ahead from my car. She was reading her book while she was walking. To my surprise, I smiled. That's so Scully. Walking while reading books, sometimes I wonder if she hit the tree or fell. I slowed down the car and watched her. Though I looked like a stalker here. -_-

Then she stopped walking, and I think she sensed something was following her so I drove the car faster passing her without looking at her. And I know, she knows that it was me. I looked at my side view mirror and I saw her standing there looking at me as I turned left.

I felt guilty that I did not stop and offer her a ride to school but, I don't know, it's just that I am still upset, shy, and hurt. Grrr I'm confused. Like, I don't have the guts to face her.

Minutes later, I arrived at school, parked my car, and got out. Then a car passed beside me and I saw Brad Follmer with Scully sitting in the passenger seat. Brad looked at me but Scully didn't. She just looked straight. As I started to walk slowly I heard Scully.

"Thanks for the ride Brad," she said then. "Mulder! Wait! Hey!"

But instead of facing her, I walked hurriedly towards the science building pretending I didn't hear her. And it hurts me doing this. I am such an idiot.

So I finally reached the physics lab, and when I was about to sit on my chair I remembered that Scully sat next to me. Great again. I really can't avoid her. Then I heard footsteps behind my back and I knew it was her. The footsteps stopped.

"Hi, Mulder." She said but her voice was not cheerful like it always was every time she greets me. It's low and waiting for me to reply kind of voice.

"Hi," I said flatly and without looking at her. I sit on my chair pretending I was reading and just when I thought it was a physics book I was reading, it's not. It's world literature. Busted. When I secretly looked at her I saw that she was smiling. I'm busted. Then she cleared her throat.

"Ahm...Mulder about last night I am sorry if I didn't believe you. I want to but, you know me. But even though it's hard to believe, I listened to you and tried to understand." She explained.

Physics, UFO's and Feelings (The X Files Alternate Universe)Where stories live. Discover now