Chapter 13

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Mulder's POV

Just as soon as they left, I was alone. The silence was deafening, the fireflies were gone, and even the stars and the moon were covered with rain clouds. Then it rains. Great.

I just looked down at my hand where I held Scully's hand so tight, letting go of her hurts a lot. But I'm afraid that I won't see her again even though her father will not let us see each other. I was going to tell her that I have these feelings for her. I've never been so cheesy until now.

Scully is the best thing that happened to me. Ever since I met her she melted that ice inside me. *chuckles* it's funny since she's the school's ice queen. Sigh...

I don't know how long I will stand here under the rain all I know is that feeling of being alone is back again...

"Fox! Fox!" then I heard John Doggett call me. "Hey man, I saw Dana left. And she was crying. She told us before she left. Are you okay?"

"Yeah" is all I can say.

"I'm sorry," John said sadly. "Let's go, man, before you catch a cold."

I just nodded. We went back to the cabin. And I just lay in bed. Closed my eyes.

Then it was a month since I last talked to Scully. We always see each other at school but we never talk. We exchanged smiles when no one was watching. And there were times that Brad caught us looking at each other. And he always takes her away. Yes, Brad and Scully are always together. Monica told me that Brad is just looking after Scully as what Scully's dad wants. Nothing more. But Brad always shows it like they are in a relationship.

In physics class, Scully and I are not seatmates anymore. She is in the front row.

Then it was prom. Everybody has a date except me. I didn't want to go but John and Monica insisted that I should. Since they didn't stop I did go.

And now I'm here with my black tux, sitting alone on the bench in our gym. Then Scully walked in. And oh my God, she was even more beautiful. She wears an off-shoulder red dress 2 inches above the knee, I think. And white stilettos. And I didn't even notice I stood up and walked to her. She is standing at the entrance, looking for someone. Then when she looked to the right. She saw me, standing inches away from her. And I just found myself looking at her. And we just stare at each other. It's like I am looking at a goddess of beauty. Her hair and her beautiful blue eyes match that beautiful red dress.

I was about to say something but Brad arrived and as always he snatched her away from me.

Scully's eyes were so sad as she looked at me while they were lost in the crowd.

I went back to sit on the bench drinking juice. I just watched the other students dance. And I just watched Scully dancing with Brad. It was hurting watching them but I can't get my eyes off of her. She was looking at me. I can't take this anymore. So I stood up went up the stage talked to the DJ and then he introduced me.

"Okay guys, someone here wants to sing you a song. And you won't believe who it is...ladies and gentlemen, Fox Spooky Mulder."

And the students cheered. I didn't know what got into my mind this was the first time that I would sing in front of many people. And this is because of her. I looked at Scully, who was so clueless about why I was there. Then the music started and I started singing Jesse McCartney's Just So You Know.

Scully's POV

What is all I could think about. What was he thinking? Monica and I just looked at each other. Then, Mulder started to sing and he was just looking at me.

*Mulder singing*

I shouldn't love you but I want to

I just can't turn away. I shouldn't see you but I can't move, I can't look away. But I don't know how to be fine when I'm not and I don't know how to make the feelings stop...

And just that all I could hear was Mulder. I can't believe this. He is singing to me. He is looking at me all the time. And I just put my right hand where my heart is.

Just so you know these feelings taking control of me and I can't help it. I won't sit around I can't let him win now.

Thought you should know I've tried my best to let go of you but I don't want to. I just gotta say it all before I go. Just so you know.

He is still looking at me. And I feel like I'm going to explode. And I swear I can feel Brad is so red of anger as he is standing beside me.

It's getting hard to be around you there's so much I can't say. Do you want me to hide the feeling and look the other way?

Then I just found myself shaking my head like I was telling him not to look the other way. I saw him smile.

'cause I don't know how to be fine when I'm not I don't know how to make the feelings stop... This emptiness is killing me and I wondering why I've waited so long. Looking back I realize it was always there. Just never spoken.

I'm waiting here

Been waiting here... Just so you know...

And then he gave the mic back to the DJ. "Wow! Spooky! That was something. I wonder who could that song be."

As the DJ talked, Mulder walked down the stage and I couldn't see him where he went. But he left a wonderful feeling for me. Mulder...

Mulder's POV

After my short show, I went to the men's comfort room and just stayed there. I can't just show myself back there again. But I know I delivered the message to her and I know she knows it.

Then I heard the DJ is going to announce prom king and queen. I was going to get into one of the cubicles, then suddenly I heard my name was called.

This year's prom king is... Fox Mulder!

Say what? Then John stormed in and said "There you are! Let's go man you're the prom king!"

"But I did not campaign for prom king," I said.

"I did." John is grinning. "I'll explain to you later. Come on!"

I went back to the stage, still can't believe it. They put the crown on my head. And I can see Brad looked angry. And then they announced the prom queen.

"Dana Scully!"

Everyone was even more shocked because they expected it would be Brad and Diana.

Scully sits down beside me and is crowned prom queen. Monica and John are so happy while Brad and Diana look like they're going to kill us.

Me and Scully just looked at each other. Then the emcee said we have to dance. The students cheered. We have no choice. I extended my hand to her and she held it. We went down the stage and on the dance floor, we danced to Jon Mclaughlin's So Close.

"Hi," I said.

"Hello," she said and smiled. Then that made my night.

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