Chapter 19

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Mulder's POV

It was a silent ride to Scully's apartment. We both stepped out of the car when we got there. I walked her to the doorway, and then suddenly she stopped and faced me.

"Thank you Mulder for giving me a ride home." she simply said.

"You're welcome," I said then we just looked at each other I didn't know how long, but we just stood there without blinking. We just stopped when someone walked out of the door.

"I...I have to go now." I said as I turned my back.

But she said "Mulder."

I immediately turned back and said "Yes?"

"Would you...would you like to come in? Do you drink tea?"

And it felt like there were fireworks and I answered without a doubt "Yes."

When we were inside the babysitter bid goodbye and the little version of Scully came running to her and gave her mommy a big hug.

The two redheads in front of me looked like twins. Same sweet smiles and beautiful, blue eyes.

"Fox!" shouted Aira happily.

"Hello there beautiful," I said as I slightly pinched her little nose. She giggled.

Then she asked, "Would you like to meet my friend?"

"Oh yes of course," I said.

Then she ran to her room. Scully smiled at me and told me to sit in the living room. Seconds later Aira brought a stuffed toy, a fox.

Then she sat beside me and said "This is my friend Fox Mulder." as she gave me her toy.

"Oh!" I said between my laugh "That's an interesting name."

Aira laughed "That's your name!"

"Really?" I pretended that I had no idea "hahaha! It is my name."

Then the little girl laughed. "I like Mr. Fox Mulder, mommy, he is funny."

Then Scully and I looked at each other, I shrugged and she chuckled then said "Aira baby it's past your bedtime now. Come with me and I'll take you to your room."

"Yes, mommy." Aira obeyed. "Nice to see you again Mr. Fox Mulder."

"Nice to see you again too, little Miss Aira." I bowed down like I was greeting a princess. And she giggled.

Her mom took her to her bedroom. And as I waited I looked around and I saw pictures of her and Aira and the rest of her family. And I saw a picture of a teenage Scully. Must be her first day in college. She's with people, her friends maybe. She was smiling but with sad eyes. I just stood there and looked at it. It took me minutes though, until she was standing beside me.

"That was my first day in college. It was an interesting day. Tea?" she said while slightly raising a cup of tea.

"Thank you," I said. We then sat down.

"It's nice to see you again Scully."

"Nice to see you again too."

And silence. Why it's always like this? I don't know what to say to her, I mean I had so many things to say but I don't know where to start.

"How are you Mulder?" she asked looking deeply into my eyes.

"I've been good," I answered.

She put her cup of tea down on the center table. "I am sorry. I didn't want to leave Mulder."

"I know, I understand. Don't be sorry. I am okay now."

"I know but when I left, John told me you lived a secluded life. You were nowhere to be found. I don't know what you've been through, but I can see the way you look at me now, it's a lot."

"I found my sister," I said.

Then she smiled and she couldn't believe it "Really? I am happy for you Mulder." Her eyes looking into mine were full of sincerity.

"After a month when you left, I'd never felt so alone. I occupied my time going to the park every night but I can't stop thinking of you."

She sadly looked down.

"One night I went home, and my sister was sitting in the living room with my parents and a man who smoked like a chimney. The man found my sister, he was my father's friend. He said he found Samantha walking on the side of the road and she can't remember anything. But there were lots of traces of needles all over her body. And... I did not take it easy seeing my sister in that condition, I shouted at the smoking man what did they do to her? Who did that to her? But he said nothing. And he left. We didn't find out what happened to her. It was a mystery. She is ok now. She just graduated college last month."

"I am so sorry but I am happy that all is well I hope though that you'll find out what happened to her."

I nodded and said "How about you? You married Brad, huh."

"Yeah, but I am happy that we're not together anymore."

"What happened? If I may ask."

"Both of our parents agreed to marry us. I didn't want to but Brad's family helped us when my dad had a heart attack. We were almost in bankruptcy that time but it was Brad's dad who handled all the financial problems."

"And I see why you two got married."

"Brad was an abusive husband."

"Did he hurt you?"

"Many times."

My blood boiled because of anger "That motherf... I'm sorry Scully."

She smiled "I got away. Aira and I got away. He is in jail now."

"He got what he deserves."

Then it was silent again. We both looked down.

[ hey guys! You can listen to the song I included below ⬇😉 while you are reading the rest of the story. I can't help but imagine this song while Scully and Mulder are talking. Hihi. It's called Run To You by Lea Michelle. Have fun reading 😉]

Then she said something that surprised me "I missed you, Mulder." she was still looking down. "Ever since I left you, no matter what I did to forget you, I can't stop thinking about you. What were you doing? Were you thinking of me too?"

I held her right cheek with my hand. And she looked at me her eyes were sparkling with tears ready to fall.

Then I said "Of course. There's no day and night that I didn't think of you. It's always been you."

She closed her eyes and put her forehead to mine. I closed my eyes too and said "And I am so happy that I found you again."

"Me too." she held my hand that was on her cheek. "So what now?" she asked.

"Let's start over. Let's put what happened behind us now. If it's also what you want."

"Of course. Let's start over."

And just that we leaned back and she put her head on my shoulder. I hope this will never end.

The smell of her hair was hypnotizing and I put my head on top of her head. We just stay that way.

I looked at the clock and it was 11:30 pm. She must've noticed because she said "It's late now and I bet you have an early class tomorrow."

"I do."

"Well, you better go home. I meant it in a good way."

I chuckled "I know."

She walked me to the door. I said goodbye and walked on. But I heard running steps behind me, I didn't have the chance to look back, because Scully hugged me from behind. Her arms were locked around my waist. And I held them. Then I let go of them, faced her, cupped her small cheeks to my hands, looked down...and kissed her.


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