Chapter 21

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(Warning: this chapter contains a mild sexual content.)

Mulder's POV

I was in the teacher's lounge on a fine Wednesday morning, I was drinking my coffee when Sheena walked in and sat beside me.

"Good morning Fox." she greeted with a flirty smile. I greeted her back. Then she continued "You've been busy lately we never get to hang out." she was taking out her sandwich from her bag.

"Yeah been seeing my friends from high school it's been years since I last saw them," I said and sipped my coffee.

"Oh that's great," she said. I was about to say something but she asked "Are you free tonight? How about dinner at my place?" she smiled.

"Ahh...thank you Sheena but Dana and I have some plans tonight."

I noticed she was surprised and said " is that the Dana at the coffee shop?"

I nodded.

She unwrapped the sandwich "Oh I see. Are you two... Are you in a romantic relationship?"

I nodded again.

Then she put down the sandwich and looked disappointed.

And I knew I had to do something. "Sheena, I am sorry. I know..." but she cut me off.

"Don't worry about it, Fox. You don't have to say sorry. I should be sorry I forced myself to you. Though it hurts I can see that you're happy. I am happy too." she smiled. Then she looked down at her wristwatch and stood up "Oh look at that my next class will be in ...10 minutes. I... I have to go...bye. See you around."

And...she left. I am sorry for her I always knew she had feelings for me. But it's always been Scully. I tried dating when I was in college but it never worked because she's always in my mind.

It's been 7 months since Scully and I started our relationship and ever since it's always been great and her beautiful Aira, I love that little girl so much too. Scully even said Aira loves me more than her because Aira won't let me go home every time I'm in their apartment. I had to admit I always didn't want to leave.

And you know what, because of it I think of something but Scully may be surprised. There's something I want to tell her. I want to ask her to move in with me.


Scully's POV

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, the hospital staff were smiling at me. Though they smile at me every time I arrive this time it's different after smiling they whispered, the janitor gave me two thumbs up. I didn't understand.

And when I arrived in my office, the CEO and owner of the hospital were there.

"Sir Hendricks, good morning," I said. "I wonder why you are lost in my office?" I said jokingly.

He smiled "Well I don't want to take this long...Congratulations Dr. Scully..."

I was puzzled.

He continued "You are now the new director of the pediatrics department."

My eyes grew bigger, my jaw dropped, and covered my mouth with my right hand.

Then the staff showed up cheering and gave me balloons with congratulations written on them.

"Oh my God! Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome Dana." he smiled. "You deserved it, the board all voted for you. You are an amazing doctor and a person Dana. Congrats!" we hugged.

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