Chapter 11

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"What do you mean? Bring balance?"

"I can't say for sure. My visions aren't complete. There are always multiple futures that can be brought about by the simplest of choices so I have to look again and again. It's like finding a different route to get to the same place. Each time I looked into the future it was the same. A great battle would occur and either you or Haizaki would be left standing."

I began to shake, afraid and confused at what I was hearing. Akashi put his arm around me, his face worried.

"I had Chi help me look for you even though each time it puts a strain on his body."

"I want to ask about that. I didn't know that oracles could have children?"

Granny looked away, a blush on her cheeks and it was Mayuzumi who looked up, his cloudy eyes boring into Akashi's.

"They normally can't, not human children. I am part demon. That is why I have this hair and eyes."

He touched them and I stared, remembering how frightened I had been when I had first seen him since he reminded me of Haizaki.

"Demons have been experimenting since Kuroko was born thousands of years ago. With humans the spawn are either fully human or fully demon. The few exorcists who had been captured died before the child could even develop. However a hundred years ago my mother met my father and they had me."

I gaped at them both then, a hundred years?

"How old are you? I thought you were human?"

"I am, I just live a bit longer than most."

"How much?"

I could hear the anger in my voice and I could see everyone looking at me, their eyes wary and worried but I didn't care. I had lived my life with this woman who was my only family to discover she had hidden so much from me. She had known about me, known I could see demons and had been targeted since the moment I had been born and she hadn't said a word.

"An oracles life span is normally between two and three hundred years."

I felt tears in my eyes and blinked them away angrily. I was not liking this conversation and it was making me feel angry and betrayed.

"So you knew about me, about my past and what I had been through when I was younger. You picked me off the streets, why?"

I could see her eyes flick to Akashi in question and she stood up, putting her cup of tea down.

"Maybe we should talk about this later, you should get some rest."

"No!" I snapped, the tears I held back overflowing.

"Don't run away from the truth anymore and tell me! Why did you pick me up? How much did you know? Did you see the things that would be done to me? The assaults? The rapes? Did you see them and still do nothing?"

"Tetsuya," Akashi reached for me but I slapped his hand away and stepped away, my sight blurred by the tears now pouring down my face. I glared at the woman who had raised me, her face twisted in pain but I didn't care, my heart was breaking.

"You just wanted me to live long enough to what? Fight the great and powerful demon Haizaki? A demon that the exorcists have orders to never engage because they would be slaughtered. I don't want to fight, I just want to live a normal life with the people I love."

She stood up and I could see her eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

"I am sorry Tetsuya, I can't see everything unless I am looking. Mayuzumi protected you as best he could from the demons but some got through the gaps and we can't really interfere when it comes to humans."

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