Chapter 30

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Kuroko's Pov

"I can help," I said following Akashi into our room, trying to control the anger in my voice.

It had been decided that we would move against Haizaki. The allied forces were preparing for battle and would all leave within the day. It would take a full day to get the full force of exorcists there using the portals and the demons making their own way on wings and paws. I had been apprehensive about attacking but Akashi and Kagami had pulled me aside and told me that my father had information that Haizaki wanted to use the solar eclipse in less than a week to bind me to him so instead of giving him the chance they were going to attack first. Kagutsuchi was still bedridden but he had been moved from the café to grannies house where they could all be watched over. I couldn't stop the guilt each time I saw them both. Two family members who had been hurt because of me. I didn't speak to anyone about my feelings as they would only try and cheer me up. I didn't want to be made to feel better. It was my fault, my life that caused this and I needed to bear that burden.

"Tetsuya please I don't want to argue about this."

He walked into our bedroom and began to pack my bag with clothes.

"Then just let me come with you and there won't be a fight."

"You were outvoted Tetsuya. You are going to stay here with Izzy and your father and we will set you a protection detail while we go."

"I won't stay here, I want to stay by your side."

I heard him sigh and he ignored me and continued to pack my bag. I felt my anger rise and moved forward grabbing the bag and pulling it away from him, my eyes meeting his in defiance.

"Tetsuya," he said tiredly, holding out a hand to take the bag back.

"No I refuse to stay here! This is my fight! More than any one else's I have to see this through! I have to finish this with Zaki, I have known him for thousands of years!"

"And he has killed you over and over through the millennia!"

I flinched against the anger in Akashi's voice. His hands were in fists by his side and his eyes blazed with anger. I hadn't seen this look before and suddenly I was frightened. He snatched the bag out of my hands and pushed me down onto the bed, pinning my wrists on the bed beside my head.

"Are you going to be so foolish and so selfish to give him that chance again? Or even worse give him the chance to control you? That bastard cannot be helped, he cannot be saved! He must be stopped and I will see him dead for all the pain and hurt he has caused!"

"Akashi please stop your hurting me," I whispered, my heart thumping in my chest.

His normally emotionless face was twisted with anger and pain as he stared down at me. He let his head fall against my shoulder and his hold on me relaxed.

"I can't lose you again I don't think I could survive it."

My heart constricted at the sorrow in his voice and I moved my arms around his neck, holding him close. I had been so caught up in learning my past and forging the path to the future I hadn't even stopped to think of Akashi. He had stayed by my side through each and every life, trying to protect me and loving me for all those years only to have me snatched away time and time again. Kagutsuchi had told me that eternity was a lonely business but I hadn't even thought of Akashi's loneliness.

"I'm sorry Sei-kun, I'll stay. When this is over I will never leave your side again."

I kept a firm grip around him as he relaxed into my hold. I could feel the wetness on my shirt from his tears but I didn't say anything and he didn't make a sound, we simply wanted to be in each other's arms.

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