Chapter 17

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Back to Kat... Aha that rhymed, accidental poet

Just a warning this chapter contains references to suicide and if you are not comfortable with that you can skip to the next chapter... DM me if you get confused and I'll fill you in without the detail.

I snatched the phone from Barbra's hands in one swift moment and began tapping on the screen, finding Ed's number from the riddle website he had created. I let the phone ring as it dialled his number.

"Hello, Edward Nygma who's calling?" He answered professionally.

"Stealthy as a shadow in the dead of night, Cunning but affectionate if given a bite. Never owned but often loved. At my sport considered cruel, But that's because you never know me at all. What am I?" I riddled into the phone and I heard him gasp in an almost excitement.

"Kat! Oh my god where are you? The GCPD have been searching everywhere, I'm going to track your phone hold on-" I cut off his rambling.

"Ed, I need you to listen carefully. Do not trace this call, I will see you soon but I need to ask you a favour." I exclaimed into the phone.

"Anything." He replied shortly and waited for my favour.

"I need somewhere to hide, so Jerome won't find me. I also need you to keep this phone call a secret, nobody can know ok?" I asked and I heard a long and shaky breath escape his mouth.

"I know a guy, Oswald, he has connections to people that could help you. Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly but honestly I'd never felt better.

"Yes, yes I'm completely fine especially now that you've said that! I'm getting out of here Ed!" I excitedly exclaimed. Tears of joy slowly brimming in my eyes. This was finally happening.

"Will I see you? Before leaving again?" He asked hopefully.

"Of course, but you will have to tell me where to meet you because it can't be anywhere I would be seen," I replied.

"We could meet at my apartment, Jerome has no idea who I am so he wouldn't think to live there. In fact, you could even stay with me!" He suggested but I knew I couldn't

"Ed, please understand that if I were anywhere close to you for a long period of time you could be in danger." I tried explaining, not wanting anyone else at risk for me.

"Well, I suppose... When is this all going to happen, how are you getting out?" He asked, still concerned.

"Jim made a deal with someone and now they are helping me, although I am going to be faking my own suicide, which I may need you to help with my death records or whatever you do."

"Forensic science." He corrected and I just hummed. "I can forge some records if that is what you're asking." He offered.

"That's exactly what I need, thank you so much, Ed, all of this means the world to me, quite literally." I sighed.

"Of course! You're the only one that actually answers my riddles and enjoys them. I couldn't let such a prodigy go to waste." I laughed as he indirectly complimented me. Barbra shot me a glance that said to wrap it up.

"Thanks, Ed." I held the phone speaker with my hand and looked back to Barbra. "When am I faking this whole death thing?" I asked, laughing slightly at the end as I thought about how casual it came out of my mouth.

"Tonight, before they get back. The longer we leave it the more suspicious they will get, Theo isn't stupid he'll figure it out." She played with her nails as if we weren't planning an escape right now.

"Well, how are we gonna you know? Do it?" I asked, extremely awkward by the conversation.

"Easy, you jump out a window." My eyes widened, she couldn't be serious! "I'm kidding god." She laughed and I heard a throat clear from the other end of the phone. I forgot about Ed.

"Well, if you are looking to fake a death you should make sure that you do not take anything with you, write a note to make it look believable and in order to get out of the house, you will need to make sure absolutely no one sees," Ed suggested.

"Thanks for stating the obvious there." Barbra retorted with a roll of her eyes.

"Do you have any other suggestions?" I looked at her.

"Well no but, oh shut up." She stated in a flurry. "We still have a few hours so we need to hurry." She exclaimed and I nodded, I ended the call without so much as saying goodbye to Ed because Barbra had already hurried out of the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she leads me toward my room.

"We need to make it look like you jumped out of the window, duh!" She replied as she continued to the door. The minute she opened it she threw things around the room.

"Ed said to leave everything like it was..."

"I know what Ed said but he was wrong. We need to make it look like you've had a mental breakdown or something. He won't believe you just casually jumped out of a window, he's crazy, not dumb." She explained further and I nodded, throwing pillows off the bed and making the room look like a mess.

I let Barbra finish destroying everything as I found a notebook and pen in my bag Jerome had brought for me. I ripped a page out and began writing my 'suicide note'.

Dear Jerome,

You tried to tell me to stay away from the window but I can't live like this... You were going to kill me anyway so I am just making your job easier, have fun with your next hostage.

Goodbye, Katerina

My writing was messy and rushed, as much as I wanted to rewrite it neater I knew I didn't have nearly enough time as Barbra was signalling me out of the room. I didn't even look back as I went with her down the hall and out onto a fire escape.

"This is how I sneak out when I want to get away from Theo's nagging," Barbra explained and I nodded, not caring how she found it so long as I got out of here. We climbed down the rickety ladder and made it to the ground without slipping, well maybe I stumbled a couple of times but that was expected.

"Where do we go from here?" I asked, seeing a gate that was far too high for us to climb.

"Tabitha showed me a spot that has a gap in the fence." She replied, leading me to a hole that looked to be cut out of the iron gates.

"Well, that works..." I mumbled to myself as we ducked underneath. We tried to look as casual as possible, trying to stick to the alleyways and keep to the darkest places we could find. Barbra handed me her phone and I re-dialed Ed's number, we were a few blocks away from the dreaded mansion and I felt like I could finally breathe again.

"Kat, are you ok? Did something happen?" I heard Ed's worried tone.

"Hey Ed, everything went as planned as far as we know but we need your address," I replied and I heard him sigh in relief.

"Of course, I will be there as soon as my shift ends, I've already contacted Oswald and he says he knows a place you could stay."

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