The First Day of the Journey

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The First Day of the Journey

Cora's P.O.V

The next morning, I was woken by Thorin shaking me.

"Get up, or we'll leave you here. You're going to have to wake your friends, because they won't get up." he whispered.

I fought the urge to punch him for touching me, and I jumped up, and went to the kitchen.

"I told you that you need to wake the others, whatever their names are." he said.

"I am, Thorin. I'm using the only method that works." I replied,  smiling.

I came back to the hallway with two cups of water.

"Cora, what are you doing?" he asked.

"So you can remember my name, just not theirs?" I asked, pausing where I was.

"Power of authority. I remember the names of those in charge better,  especially if they are women." he replied, turning slightly red for a moment before regaining control of his emotions.

"Ok, then." I said, pouring the first cup of water on Austin's head.

"Hey! I was already awake!" Austin exclaimed.

"Then you should have gotten up, smart one." I laughed.

I went over to Missy, and did the same.

Once everyone was up, most of us had breakfast. Missy and I didn't, though.

"Aren't you going to eat something Cora?" asked Thorin.

"We don't normally eat breakfast, because we're normally not very hungry." I said softly, not wanting attention drawn to us.

We set off later that day.

Missy's P.O.V

"Why did Cora have to dump water on us this morning?" I asked Austin.

"Probably the best way to wake us." he replied.

"Yeah, but she couldn've woken us up like normal!"

"That would take time, like it always does."

Thorin's P.O.V

That girl, Cora, was riding beside me to help her learn the surroundings. She seemed to be a natural rider, considering she and her friends said they had never been on horses before.

She was full of energy, much more so than her friends, with it being this early. She was asking question after question.

"How long do you think this will take?" she asked, turning to face me.

"I'm not sure. It depends on what all we run into. There could be orcs, goblins, trolls, and wargs that could get in our way. There is just no way of telling." I explained.


Our eyes met, and I realized that hers were a beautiful deep blue color, and I was mesmerized for a moment.

She blushed deeply, and turned away.

We sat in silence for a while,  and then she asked something I wasn't expecting.

"How do you cope with all the responsibility and stress that comes from leadership?"

Cora's P.O.V

"Well, I don't have problems with the responsibility,  but the stress is a different story. I sometimes talk to Fili about it, preparing him for when he takes over. Otherwise, I just try not to get overwhelmed. Why do you ask?"

"I just... Keep my stress bottled up inside, and then little things set me off. I was trying to figure out if you had a better method."

We rode on in silence.

"It's not smart to bottle it up. You know that?" he asked quietly.

"I know, but I don't like complaining to people, it makes me feel like I'm being annoying." I replied softly.

"If it's any help, I don't mind."

"You don't?" I questioned at a whisper.

"No, it doesn't bother me. In fact, I could listen to you all day if you'd like."

"Oh, ok. I don't know if I should be creeped out by that, or flattered."

"You choose. We should probably set up camp now, it's getting dark." He changed the subject rather suddenly.

We got camp set up, and that's when the blood curdling screams were heard.

"What was that?" Bilbo asked in a panic.

"Orcs. Night raiders. Silent, but deadly." said Fili mysteriously.

"They strike in the dead of the night, silently. So quiet, you'll never here or see them coming. Lots of blood, and no screams. They'll slit your throat and then..." Kili left his sentence hanging on purpose.

Seeing that Bilbo was thoroughly terrified,  the brothers started to laugh.

"You think night raids are a joke?!" Thorin yelled at his nephews, scaring me badly.

"We didn't mean anything by it." Kili said.

"No, you didn't. You know nothing of the world." Thorin replied,  turning away.

Balin explained what happened at the gates of Moria, and how Thorin's father and grandfather died. I didn't know how to react, so I just went to sit on the cliff, waiting for everyone to go to sleep.

Thorin's P.O.V

Cora, instead of going to bed right after Balin's story, sat by the cliff. Once the others had gone to sleep, I sat beside her.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I don't want to go back." she said.


"I'm not going back."

"Why not?"

"Everyone there hates me. My family, some people who claimed to be my friends, everyone. I can't seem to get anything right."

"You're perfect the way you are."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, you haven't messes up yet."


"So, until you mess up, I won't belive any of what you said."

We sat there in silence, and I put an arm around her. Sparks shot through my arm from the point of contact, but I couldn't figure out why.

She shivered slightly at my touch, but I ignored it, and we just sat there.

She turned to look at me, and when our eyes met, my breath quickened. What the heck is going on with me to day? I thought to myself.


"Yes Cora?"

"Why is this happening to me?"

"Why is what happening to you?"

"Me coming here and meeting all of you."

"I don't know, but I don't regret it." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

"Well, I'm going to bed." she said softly, blushing. I stood and helped her up.

She went to where her roll was, near her friends, and I wondered if I had scared her.

The sparks I felt when I touched her were still a mystery, but that could wait for morning.

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