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Thorin's P.O.V

I carried Cora to her house after she was injured, and I sent the neighbors for a healer.

I carried her to her room, and began to clean the wounds. I was sure the blades were poisoned, that's why I sent for the healer.

I had just finished cleaning her side when Kili showed up, because the local healer was out of town, and he was a poisons expert.

He gave her the antidote, with my help, and pulled me out of the room to talk.

"Uncle Thorin, I can't guarantee that she'll live. There is a very slim chance of her survival." my nephew explained.

"She's beat the odds before! She can't die! She's too strong for that!" I exclaimed.

"She's weaker than normal right now, and you know it. Something has been bothering her lately, and the stress from that has weakened her. Any idea what that problem is?"



"She's been confused about me lately. She's been trying to sort out her feelings for me."

"That would do it. Keep an eye on her please."

"I'm not leaving her."

Kili left, and I went back to her room. I pulled the chair over to the side of the bed, and sat there, stroking her pale cheek.

What startled me was when Dain appeared in the doorway.

"This is the advisor, isn't it?" he asked.

"Yes, this is Cora." I said softly.

"She really is beautiful,  and everything else you said. She seems like a wonderful girl."

"She is. And she might not even live."

"Well hopefully she will. If not, I'm still here for you."

"I know."

"You're staying here all night, aren't you?"


"G'night Thorin. I'll see you in the morning."

When he left, I sat on the bed beside her, and I set my hand on hers.

Around midnight, I layed down beside her and slipped my arms around her waist. I pressed my lips to her neck.

I hope she lives through this, I really do.

She rolled over to face me, still unconscious, and put her hand on my chest.

I kissed her forehead and eventually drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and she was still unconscious,  probably for the best. She needs rest to recover her strength.

I went to the kitchen to get something to eat, and Balin was there.

"Thranduil and his son have arrived. They wish to speak with you and your advisor. Are her wounds bandaged?" he asked.

"Yes, but they were poisoned,  and she most likely will not survive." I told him.

"Well, I'll stay here and keep and eye on her for you. You look half dead, my friend."

"I didn't get much sleep. I'm too worried."

I went to the conference room to talk to the elven king and prince.

They both stood up to greet me, and the prince, Legolas, gave me a questioning look.

"Where is your advisor?" questioned Thranduil.

"She was attacked by orcs last night, and she is currently at her house." I replied.

"Surely she fought them enough to where she didn't get injured?" Legolas asked. While we were in Mirkwood, Legolas and Cora became like siblings.

"She was stabbed in her right arm, leg, and side. The baldes were poisoned, and there is a very slim chance of her survival."

"But... She has to survive... Right?" Legolas asked, really worried.

"I-I hope. Otherwise, I'll lose my mind. Without her, my life is close to meaning less." I said.

"Thorin, would you like to settle this treaty on another day,  because you look like you could drop dead any second." Thranduil asked.

"Please. I'm sorry, it's not that I hate you, my head is just spinning right now."

"It's fine, but can I go see her?" Legolas asked anxiously.

"Of course. I was heading there right now." I told him.

He followed me back to Cora's house, and I took him  to her room, and his jaw, and mine, hit the ground.

She was deathly pale, extremely skinny, much more so than this morning, and she was barely moving.

"She's weaker than she was earlier!" I managed to blurt out. Balin had been in the living room, but left when I came.

"Oh my god, Cora." Legolas breathed.

I rushed to her side, and sat in the chair that was still there, and eventually Legolas left, and it was just me and Cora.

It was midnight before I took off my shirt and laid down beside her again, holding her close, praying she wouldn't die in the night, because she continued to get worse.

I kissed the top of her head.

"Please recover, love." I mumbled into her hair, before drifting off to sleep. 

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