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Cora's P.O.V

Thorin willingly came to Rivendell after the ordeal with the trolls, probably to make it up to me after he threw my advice aside earlier.

The elves had cleaned my wounds again, and I was sitting on the edge of the balcony, completely bored.

Thorin came up behind me, and scared me badly. He didn't sit on the rail beside me, he just stood there.

"You scared me." I said softly.

"Sorry, I thought you might like some company." he replied smiling.


We were just sitting there,  not really talking. At least the silence was a friendly one.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" he asked me.

"Of course."

We were walking by the river, and I almost fell in, but he caught me.

"Watch your step." he laughed. "I've never seen you trip before."

"We aren't in the woods anymore. I trip on flat surfaces."

"Ok." he grinned. He was making fun of me.

"Hey, it takes skill to trip on flat surfaces."


"Yes, skill."

"You are the exact opposite of all the other women I know."

"How so?"

"They hate the woods,  and they would trip and fall all over the place. You hate proper and normal things... And trip on flat surfaces. You have your own opinions that you stand by firmly. They just agree with whoever is winning the argument. You can take a hard blow, or a stab wound. They complain when a spec of dirt touches them, saying it hurt, probably just to get sympathy from me. You're a leader, and you would be a good addition to the ruling of Arebor as an advisor to the king, or maybe a little more powerful."

"I would?"

"Yes, you have the practical thinking, the ability to express your opinion, and the level head to deal with people you don't agree with, until they start yelling, which was where I went wrong, was yelling at you."

We got to the bridge, and I sat on one railing, with him standing in front of me, leaned against the other.

I may have been watching the flow of the river, but I knew he was watching me again. I've learned to ignore it.

When we went inside for dinner, I tripped once we walked in the dining room. Thorin, again, caught me,  and when I went to stand up, my head hit off his really hard.

Hard enough to where I felt dizzy. He, however, was standing there laughing, like nothing happened.

"It's not funny, you almost knocked me out." I said.

We sat down, and the looks on Missy's and Austin's faces were comical.

"What's wrong with you two?" Thorin asked.

"She actually feels dizzy after something hit her head?" Austin asked, in complete shock.

"What do you mean?" Thorin was confused.

"The Goforth hard head (Another inside joke) has actually been damaged. That is unheard of." Missy said quietly. Then they both fell silent.

After dinner, I went to my room before I tripped again, although, before I got there, I did trip, and I was trying to figure out when Thorin got behind me, because I didn't hear him.

"Why do you keep scaring me?" I demanded.

"I didn't mean to. My room is this way also." he grinned.

"Well then go!" I said, trying not to laugh, because if I did, my argument would crumble.

He kissed the back of my right hand.

"Good night." he said, walking away.

Thorin's P.O.V

She is confusing, that's for sure, but I've fallen for her. What's worse is all these little hints I've been giving her about it, she doesn't seem to notice.

For instance, I asked her to take a walk with me. Also, coming to talk to her on the balcony. Another hint was when I told her she would make a good advisor to the king of Arebor,  or maybe a more powerful position, once we reclaim it. What are the only two more powerful positions than royal advisor? King and Queen.

Now either she knows, and just doesn't want to raise the subjcet, or she's stupid, and I know she's not stupid.

Well, we are setting out for the mountains tomorrow, so I might raise the subject then.


should I write a book containing the inside joke explanations so they're funnier?

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