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Cora's P.O.V

Finally, the day of the wedding came. It seemed like it took for ever, but I was glad it was finally happening.

Bilbo had agreed to be the best man, I had chosen Missy(of course) to be my maid of honor,  and Dis was my only bridesmaid.

This would be the first time I wear a dress in Middle-Earth, and of couse, I thought it had to be a white one.

I hate the color white, it's too plain. Thorin had tried to talk me into picking something with pink, because it was Dis's favorite color, and she was helping plan so much.

I picked something pink. The flowers.

He laughed at my stubbornness.

Instead,  I wore a bright orange dress. ( http://www.google.com/search?biw=602&bih=484&site=imghp&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=N--bUtiMFMiTkQfbyYG4Bg&q=bright+orange+dress&oq=bright+orange+dress&gs_l=img.3..0l4j0i5j0i24l5.3652.5145.0.5984.

It was only an hour til the wedding, and Dis was doing my hair.

When I finally came time for the wedding to begin, I was almost exploding with excitement.

I walked in, and Gandalf was going to give me away, so he was right beside me. As the doors opened, I looked up and went into shock.

Everyone,  and I mean everyone, from the elves of Rivendell and Mirkwood, to the Hobbits of the Shire, to the Dwarves of the Iron Hills,  the Blue Mountains, and Erebor, to the men of Bree, Rohan, and Gondor, to the Rangers of the North.

Erebor was once again the greatest dwarf kingdom of Middle-Earth,  and everyone came to see it gain it's queen.

That's when I looked up to see Thorin.

He was in full armor, with his crown(which he never wears) and everything. He is even wearing his sword belt, and yes, I'm wearing mine too. I never go anywhere without it, especially after the orc incident.

Thorin's eyes met mine and a giant smile broke out across his face. He had been waiting for this day since we met.

I felt myself blushing slightly, but I didn't care.

The whole ceremony went by in a blur. All I remember hearing is "You may now kiss the bride."

Just as Thorin pulled away from the kiss, Azog just had to interrupt the most amazing day of my life. I pulled my sword out, and fought him, managing to behead him, but he also managed to stab my side. From the green tint of the blade, I could tell it was poisoned.

I briefly remember Thorin running to me, and carrying me bridal style to my house.

How can I survive all of this?

Then everything went black.

The Dynamic Duo of Three Enters The Hobbit(Thorin fanfic) Focus on CoraWhere stories live. Discover now