The New Advisor and the Visit to Dain

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Cora's P.O.V

The next day, I woke up and had just sat down for breakfast when there was a knock on my door.

"Good morning, Cora." Thorin siad brightly.

"Are you going to do this everyday?" I asked.

"Maybe. Have you made up your mind yet?"

"No, not yet. Thorin, I have a question."


"Is the only reason you want me as advisor because you want me to be around you more, hoping I'll fall for you?"

"No." he lied unconvincingly.


"Ok, maybe a little. But you're also really smart and the best candidate for the job!"

We sat in silence, and he stood up to walk around the house a bit.

I stopped hearing his footsteps, and I was standing up to look for him. Suddenly, he slipped his arm around my waist and spun me around, just to kiss me.

When I finally pulled away, I scolded him.

"Thorin, what did I tell you about the mushy stuff?"

"I don't care, I am the king after all." he grinned, attempting to kiss me again.

"Thorin!" I shrieked, slipping away.

He caught me by the hand before I could escape.

"Come on, just say that you'll be my advisor. I need an advisor before I leave tomorrow." he said. That stopped me dead in my tracks.

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah, I have to go visit my cousin Dain in the Iron Hills. When I come back, he'll be with me so he can see how well things are going here already."

"When will you be back?"

"In a week and a half. Why do you care all of the sudden?" he asked mischievously.

"Because, as your advisor, I need to know this stuff."

"So you are accepting?"


"Can I talk you into living in the royal quarters?"

"I guess I will."

"Perfect. There is a conference later, and I am supposed to tell everyone who my new advisor is."


Thorin's P.O.V

The next day, I was getting ready to leave when there was a knock on my door.

"Thorin, it's me." came Cora's voice.

"Come in." I grinned. I told her repeatedly that she didn't have to knock, but so much for listening to me.

"Thorin, before you leave, do you really think I can handle this?"

She sounded genuinely worred, because while I was gone, she would be in charge considering she is my advisor. In any other circumstance, the queen would be in charge, but there is no queen... Yet. That's something else I want her to agree to, but that won't happen any thime soon.

"Of course you can, Cora. That's why I chose you for the job. You'll be fine."

"How can you be sure? I'll probably mess up, or... or... or just make a wrong decision, and screw everything up."

"Hey, calm down. You'll be perfectly fine. Do you think I would really leave you here like this if I didn't believe you would be ok?" I asked, walking over to her and taking her hands in mine.

"No, but-" I cut her off by kissing her, and once I moved back, she left hurriedly.

I smiled. Her reaction was the same as normal, embarrassed by how I feel for her, even if no one is around.

A few hours later, I was ready to leave, and I was looking for Cora to tell her good bye. She was by the river again.

I sat down beside her, causing her to jump.

"Hey, I just came to say bye, and tell you again, you'll be fine." I said softly.

"How can you be sure? I'll mess up and I know it."

"You're thinking too much into it. It's not that hard. What do you think all the other people who work for and with me do?"

"Oh... I didn't think about that."

"Well, bye Cora."

"Bye Thorin."

She turned to face me as I stood up, and I helped her to stand. We stood there for a moment,  and then I kissed her.

A few moments later, I was on my way to the Iron Hills.

When I arrived there a few days later, Dain was waiting at the doors to greet me. He had one of his people take my things to a spare room, and then we talked about how things were going here.

"Find yourself an advisor yet, my cousin?" Dain asked.

"Yes, just started the day before I left, so about three days ago."

"You seem... Distracted. Anything wrong?"

"Just... well, my advisor is not sure they can handle being in charge while I'm gone."

"Can you tell me a bit about this advisor so I can give you my judgement?"

"Well, she-" He cut me off.

"That's your problem,  and no, the person can't handle it."

"What's the problem?"

"She's a woman. Women overreact and panic. She will have several meltdowns, and she's probably a drama queen."

"Not this one. This one is different. She was really helpful in reclaiming Arebor. She was tourtued by trolls, attacked by the king goblin himself, and Azog used her to get me to fight him. She's been through a lot, and she hasn't cracked yet."

Dain's P.O.V

There was something different about Thorin when he spoke of this girl, like a change in his expression.

"Ok, she's tougher than most, But what's her name?" I asked.

"Cora. Her name is Cora."

"That's unique."

"She is not of this world, but she and her friends chose to stay here in Middle-Earth."

"Ah, that explains it."

"She is the best advisor I could have, and she just needs to have a little more faith in herself."

"You speak very highly of her. What do you think of her?"

"Well, she's intelligent, a leader, independent, self confident, and outgoing."

"I mean otherwise."


"Yes. Out of the official side of things."

"Well, she's beautiful, and... almost perfect."


"The only thing wrong with her is that... well, she won't agree to marry me."

"You've asked?"

"No, she just reminds me every time I try to kiss her that she doesn't feel the same way."


Thorin's P.O.V

A few days later, we headed back to Arebor. Dain kept picking on me about Cora, so eventually I put him in a headlock and he stopped.

When we arrived back, I definitely did not expect what happened.

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