Chapter 15

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Sian's POV

Feeling a warm body behind me and an arm wrapped around my waist, a hand softly tracing circles over my stomach leaving a tingling sensation on my skin, a smile spreads across my face at the thoughts of who I'm once again waking up to. Last night was amazing, even more so than the night before. After we left Danny's house and got back to my place we couldn't keep our hands off each other, bringing each other to different heights well into the early hours of the morning. Sex with Sophie is absolutely incredible, so much so, if she hadn't of mentioned a couple of weeks ago that Ryan was the only person she'd ever had sex with, I'd probably be worried about how she knows how to do the things she does to me.

I flicker my eyes open adjusting to the light which has made its way through the curtains as the softest lips place a gentle kiss on my shoulder, then another and another making me close my eyes again letting out a little hum.

'Sorry...' Sophie whispers. 'I didn't mean to wake you.' I feel her warm breath against my shoulder before her lips press softly against my skin again resting there.

'S'ok, I like waking up to you.' I say in my sleep riddled voice. I feel her smile against my skin, before she moves her hand to my side and gently pulls me back towards her slowly making me turn around so I'm lying on my back before she leans down pressing her lips to mine ever so gently.

'Morning.' She whispers against my lips before pulling back.

'Mmm... morning.' I croak out still a little sleepily, flickering my eyes open slowly to see her gazing straight into them. I start to get lost in her eyes, the deep dark pools that draw you in, that is until I feel a hand trace down my stomach and smooth over my hip and I glance down to see a grin forming on her lips before I look back to her eyes. She leans down and presses her lips to mine again as I hum into the kiss before I feel her tongue run along my bottom lip and I part my lips letting our tongues meet. The feeling she gives me simply by kissing me is incredible and I can honestly imagine kissing Sophie for the rest of my life and never getting bored. Her hand glides down my thigh and I feel the goosebumps start to rise as her warm skin glides over mine and her hand moves to the inside of my thigh. I part our lips, placing my hands on against her shoulders pushing her up slightly as her eyes flicker open and look straight into mine as she smiles. As much as I want her to continue what she's started, I need to talk to her about something that's been playing on my mind, I just don't want to upset her or cause a fight, but I can't not talk to her about this.

'You okay?' she asks leaning up on her elbow as she moves her hand back up to my stomach rubbing it gently.

'Yeah.' I say quietly, and she raises her eyebrows and looks at me sceptically as I sigh lightly moving my gaze from her for a moment before looking back to her eyes, seeing concern. 'It's just... I just... I don't wanna rush things.' I see her frown slightly as I continue. 'With this...' I say gesturing between our bodies.

'Bit late isn't it?' she says almost laughing and I know why, I mean if I were her I'd think I was joking too. I'm saying I don't wanna rush things now, but the past two nights I've been quite happy to have mind blowing sex with her. She leans down towards my lips again, but I move my head to the side slightly.

'...With us.' I clarify as she instantly pulls back and her expression changes, the smile dropping from her face and she shuffles uncomfortably, moving herself to sit up in the bed, pulling the covers up over her chest, as I quickly copy her actions.

'What you talkin' about?' she says as she starts fidgeting with the covers. 'I thought you wanted this... I mean, I thought you wanted there to be an 'us'. I quickly reach over and take one of her hands in mine.

'I do. Soph, please don't take this the wrong way.'

'What other way should I take it Sian.' she says pulling her hand out of mine. 'You don't wanna be with meh.' Okay, I can see why she's annoyed with me, but where exactly did she get that I don't wanna be with her from? I want nothing more than to be with her, I just need to make sure I'm not making her feel rushed into this, into us.

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