Chapter 19

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Sian's POV

My heart thumping as I look back towards the shape beneath the sheets beside me.


We'd been out for a few hours and Danny had been buying me round after round of drinks, refusing to let me pay for any, saying the drinks were on him all the night for my birthday. I could feel that I was tipsy already but I was having a good night, it was just me, Danny, the pretty brunette that he had been with at his house party a couple of nights ago who was introduced as Hannah and Chris and Will from the band.

''So which one you interested in?'' Hannah asked me as we sat in one of the booths of a club. The guys had gone to get more drinks a few minutes ago but while they managed to get served straight away, they'd already been distracted by fans on the way back to us.

''What?'' I ask not sure what she's actually asking.

''Chris or Will?'' I let out a laugh and drain the last of my vodka and coke.

''Neither, believe me they're erm... not my type.'' And that's the truth, even if I wasn't with Sophie, Will and Chris are just not the type of blokes I would have dated, I never was into musicians. ''And I'm erm, already seeing someone.''

''Oh right.'' she smiles, sipping her drink before setting it back down. ''Wait, it was you at the party the other night right, in Danny's room?'' I can see the realisation cross her face and I nod giving a slight smile. ''Yeah, I thought that was you. So, was that your girlfriend you were with?'' she asked me and I couldn't help but let my smile grow at hearing someone else refer to Sophie as being my girlfriend.

''Yeah she is.'' I answer proudly.

''She's pretty.'' she states. ''How come she's not out tonight?''

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I didn't have an answer to give, Sophie still hadn't replied to my message and I wasn't sure if I had done something wrong, if she was reconsidering us. I just shrugged in response to her question and mumbled a quick ''Busy.'' Thankfully she just smiled and nodded, downing the rest of her drink before calling over to Danny who nodded at us, saying a quick bye to the fans he was talking to and making his way back over to the booth with the next round of drinks.

We'd moved on to the dance floor in the club, they'd flown in a famous DJ and there was just bodies squashed together all moving to the music. I was a lot more drunk by now, the numerous shots having taken effect, but as much fun as I was having with Danny and the others, I still wished that Sophie was here, I wanted to wrap my arms around her, dance with her and tell her how beautiful and sexy she is.

I suddenly feel hands gripping my waist from behind as a body pushes up against me. I quickly step away, pushing the hands from my waist as I turn around and see a grinning tall dark haired guy.

''You're fit.'' He says in his sleazy voice as he leans towards me and I can smell the alcohol from his breath.

''Sorry, I'm not interested.'' I say trying to be as nice as possible about it. I turn back to my friends and start dancing with them again, but only seconds later I feel him grip my waist again. I quickly spin around again and push him back slightly. ''I said I'm not interested.''

''Come on, I'm just looking for a little fun.'' he slurs slightly.

''Yeah, well go look somewhere else okay.'' I move to turn back away from him, but he suddenly lurches forward and pushes his lips on to mine shoving his tongue into my mouth. My hands shoot up to his chest and push hard against him making him stumble backwards. ''What the hell are you doing!?!'' I yell at him, but he just laughs and moves towards me again. I step back and an arm moves in front of me as they push against his chest holding him away from me and I turn my head to see Danny beside me.

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