Chapter 13

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Sian's POV

Feeling myself begin to stir, I slowly flicker my eyes open adjusting to the small amount of light which has already managed to creep into the room. Feeling soft skin under my fingers, I open my eyes fully lifting my gaze slightly, seeing the most beautiful girl sleeping peacefully next to me and I can't help the massive smile that spreads across my face knowing it wasn't a dream and that she is actually lying here beside me. I'm still cuddled into her side as she lies on her back with one arm resting above the covers and the other around me, my head now resting on my own pillow supported by my hand underneath it, while my other hand is lying across her stomach. Removing my hand from under the pillow, I prop myself up on my elbow as her hand drops from around my shoulder on to the bed and I just look at her for a few moments, taking in how beautiful she is when she sleeps. Her gorgeous wavy brunette hair spread out on the pillow around her, her chest rising and falling softly, her mouth opening slightly every so often as if she's about to speak before it slowly closes again... she's incredible. Glancing towards the clock beside the bed, I see that it's nearly 8am and I know that Sophie's spending Christmas Day with her family, so as much as I really don't want to wake her right now, I also don't want her getting into trouble for not being home. Believe me, if she didn't have to be somewhere, I would quite happily just stay here with her all day and not even leave the room.

'Soph...' I whisper as I softly rub my thumb back and forth on her stomach, getting no response, as her chest continues to rise and fall softly and she continues to sleep soundly. Gliding my fingers over her stomach tracing circles over her tickling slightly, I hear a little hum come from her making me smile, as her eyes remain closed. I lean closer to her, running my hands down to her hip resting it there. 'Soph... wake up babe.' I whisper into her ear before I place a delicate kiss just below it earning a small moan, and I feel her hand against my back pulling me into her. Bringing my face back to look at hers, seeing her sleepy eyes slowly flicker open and the beautiful blue being revealed as she focuses on me and I smile at her. 'Morning beautiful.' I say quietly as I lean down and place a gentle kiss on her lips and go to pull away, but immediately feel her hand on the back of my neck keeping my lips against hers making me smile into the kiss, before we part after a few moments.

'Mmmm, morning.' she says smiling and I return it. I bring my hand up from her waist, moving her hair away from her face.

'You okay...?' I ask her, wanting to make sure she doesn't regret last night. 'You know... after everything that happened last night?' She raises her hand to my face, cupping it and smoothing her thumb over my cheek.

'I'm perfect.' she leans up and capturing my lips with her own. I break the kiss and look into her eyes as she gives a questioning look.

'You are you know...' I say as she furrows her brows a little. 'Perfect.' I finish as she rolls her eyes and giggles as she quickly leans up and pushes me backwards on to the pillow, rolling on top of me with her hands either side of my head holding herself above me as she looks directly at me.

'You're such a sap.' she says as she leans down slowly, brushing her lips over mine lightly. I move forward to press my lips to hers, but she lifts her head slightly making me rest my head back on to the pillow again. Automatically, she leans back down brushing her lips against mine, but as soon as I move forward to kiss her, she does the same again.

'And you're a tease.' I say as I drop my head back to the pillow seeing her smirk at me, and I suddenly feel her grind her hips against me making my breath hitch and a small moan escape my lips. 'Soph...' I breathe out as I grip on to her hips as she does it again, her body feeling just as good against mine as it did last night, if not better, making me close my eyes and push my head down further back into the pillow. 'Mmmmm...' I moan out as she begins to trail soft kisses along one side of my exposed neck to the other before I feel her pull away slightly and hear her giggle, making me open my eyes and look to her.

The Test (lesbian) (girl x girl) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now