Chapter 22

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Sophie's POV

''Babe, you ready yet?'' I call from the living room as I sit on the sofa flicking through the tv channels. It's New Years Eve and we've been invited to Danny's house again for another party he's throwing there. Sian's been so amazing over the past couple of days that I don't know what I would do without her now. I thought she was amazing before when she was just my driving instructor, not that I can say I ever thought of her as just my driving instructor. But really, the more time I spend with her, the more I realise how amazing she actually is, how caring she is, how beautiful she is inside and out. I'll never let anything come between us, especially not people's ignorance.

I haven't spoken to my mum or dad since they told us to leave my house, but Rosie phoned me yesterday and we talked for ages. She told me that she'll always be there for me, and I know she will. There's been time in the past where we've fought over loads of stuff, mainly petty stuff like teenagers do, but when it comes to the important things, she's always had my back. She accepted me and Sian being together without any hesitation whatsoever, and I love her for that. She told me that she'd arrived back at our parents house shortly after me and Sian left the other day and Mum and Dad were arguing. It's not often my dad stands up to my mum, but apparently he was really standing his corner this time, telling her that it should make no difference who I choose to be with as long as I'm happy. Hearing that made me smile, but I still don't get why he couldn't have said that to her while we were there, why he had to tell us it was better if we left. And even knowing that my dad can accept us doesn't make it any easier that my mum can't.

''Sian!'' I call again having gotten no response before.

''One minute Babe.'' she calls back from her bedroom, making me smile. It doesn't matter how many times she calls me that, it never gets old and it always gives me butterflies. A few moments later, two arms wrap gently around my neck and soft lips are pressed against my cheek. ''I'm ready now.'' she whispers in my ear and I turn my head to face her, capturing her lips with mine. ''Mmm...'' she hums as she smiles against my lips. ''And you haven't even seen me yet.'' she whispers as she moves back slightly.

''Well you always look beautiful.'' I say as I stand up from the sofa and turn to face her properly. As soon as I see her I'm pretty sure my mouth drops open, I know for sure that my stomach flips. She looks amazing in a blue mid-thigh length dress which matches the colour of her eyes, and it shows of her gorgeous legs perfectly. I smile to myself as I notice that she's also wearing the bracelet I gave her for Christmas.

''So...?'' she asks smiling, doing a little twirl on the spot as I glance up and down at her body.

''You look... wow!'' Her smile widens as she steps closer to me and wraps her arms around my neck as I wrap mine around her waist.

''So do you.'' she says as she looks down between our bodies and I see her eyes studying my outfit. I'm wearing my black dress which is pretty short and doesn't leave much to the imagine, but in my defence it's the only one I have with me, since Sian packed my stuff to bring to her house and right now she's looking pretty pleased with her choice.

Trailing one of her hands around to the front of my neck, she glides her fingertips over the heart shaped necklace I'm wearing which she gave me for Christmas. ''What time did we say we'd be there?'' she asks, making me smirk.

''Not for a little while yet.'' I reply, pulling her closer so our bodies are touching and she raises her gaze back up to my face biting her bottom lip lightly, a small grin showing as she looks between my eyes and my lips. She leans in and brushes her lips over mine lightly, almost teasingly, allowing me to feel her warm breath against my lips, and as much as I love her teasing sometimes, right now I just have the urgent need to feel her lips on mine. I quickly lean forward capturing her lips as she lets out a small startled squeal not expecting it. I spin us around and lower her down on the sofa, feeling her smile into the kiss as she keeps her arms wrapped around my neck. I deepen the kiss, my tongue begging for entrance as I run it along her lower lip and she parts her lips almost instantly guiding her tongue to meet mine.

Running one of my hands down her thigh, I raise her leg at my side so it's bent as the knee as I lie between her legs and hover above her body. Adjusting my position slightly, I raise one of my legs, pushing against her centre, earning a moan from her as she grips my hair tighter in her fists and our tongues continue to move together, the kiss becoming more heated by the second. I slide my hand back up her thigh, this time underneath the material of her dress and I can feel the goosebumps rising on her smooth skin. Rather than heading straight to my intended destination though, I decide to tease her a little, having realised over the past few days that it drives her insane when I do. Ever so lightly, I let my fingers dance over the skin at the very top of her inner thigh, so close to where I know she wants me to touch. She breaks from the kiss, breathing heavily against my lips as I continue to let my fingers tickle her sensitive skin.

''Soooph...'' she moans out in frustration, and in all honesty it feels good, knowing that she wants me so badly. I place another quick kiss on her lips before I trail kisses along her jaw and down to her neck which I love, it's so smooth and kissable and she always smells incredible. I move my hand up and stroke over her underwear, feeling her shiver and raise her body up to try and get more contact, as I apply a bit more pressure, feeling the dampness. ''Mmmm... Please Babe.'' she hums out, as I let my hand wander further up to the waistband of her underwear, as I lightly suck on her pulse point and hook my fingers underneath, slowly beginning to pull it down...

I suddenly halt my actions as we hear the buzzer for the front door, and I remove my lips from her neck and lean back to look in her eyes. ''Expecting anyone?'' I ask, receiving a small shake of her head in response, before she leans up to capture my lips again, but I only peck her lips in return, as I remove my hand from under the dress and she groans out in frustration making me giggle. I place another kiss on her lips, one on her cheek, her jaw, her neck and then a final one on her lips again, before I push myself up from the sofa seeing her lying there looking so flustered.

''I'll get it.'' I give her a cheeky wink as I make my way to the front door while fixing my ruffled hair.

Sian's POV

I run my hands through my hair as I let out a heavy sigh, watching as Sophie makes her way to the front door and press the button on the speaker. Seriously, some peoples timing!

I'm not really listening properly since I'm still worked up from just a few seconds ago, but I'm snapped out of it when I hear Sophie's surprised voice. ''Mum...!'' I sit up quickly and look over at her, seeing her worried expression as she glances back at me. ''Erm... what you doing here?''

''I came to speak to you. Can I come up?''

''Er...'' She looks at me again as I give her a quick nod with a small smile. ''Okay... I'll just... buzz you in.'' She presses the button unlocking the front door of the apartment building and I stand up, fixing my dress before I walk over to her. I place my one hand on her waist and use the other to stroke a piece of her fringe away from her face as her eyes meet mine.

''Everything's going to be okay.'' She nods and gives me a sad smile, both our heads turning in the direction of the door at the sound of a knock. I turn back to her and cup her face gently in both my hands, placing a soft kiss on her lips letting it linger for a few moments and feeling her hands rest on my hips. Leaning back, I see her eyes still closed and wait for them to open, before I give her a small smile and walk over to answer the door.

''Hi Mrs Webster, come on in.'' I say as I step back allowing her to enter. I close the door again and then turn to her seeing her look around at my apartment. ''Listen, this is my home and I don't want you upsetting Sophie-''

''I'm not here to cause any trouble.'' I study her face for a second, seeing what I interpret as a sincerity in her eyes. I nod in response and gesture towards the living room. Sophie's now sat on the sofa looking nervous as she plays with her fingers and her mum walks over to stand in front of her.

''Sophie love.'' I watch as Sophie looks up to her, and even from where I'm standing I can see tears in her eyes and I want to just run over and hold her, but I know they need to talk. Her mum sits next to her on the sofa, and I see her place her hand over Sophie's, making me smile slightly at the gesture.

''I'll just be...'' They both look at me as I point behind me in the direction of my bedroom, wanting to give them some space and privacy. I give Sophie a quick wink and a small smile, getting a small smile in return before I leave them alone.

Having been in my bedroom for the past half an hour reading a magazine trying to distract myself from Sophie and her mum out in the living room and what's being said, I think I've read the same page about 20 times. I quickly jump up from the bed as I hear the front door close,  making my way out into the living room where Sophie is stood near the front door. As soon as she sees me, she walks over and wraps her arms around my neck, burying her face into my shoulder and I wrap my arms around her holding her tightly.

''You okay?'' I whisper against her hair.

''Yeah.'' It's a whisper, and her voice is a little croaky from crying but I hear her. I place a kiss on the side of her head before I lean back to look at her and she does the same, her eyes a little red, but still as bright as usual.

''So, you gonna tell me what happened?''

''She was actually... nice.'' she says sounding surprised at what she was actually saying herself.

''Oh yeah?'' I smile as I raise my eyebrows.

''Yeah, she erm... wants to have a family New Year dinner tomorrow at the house.'' I smile, disappointed that I won't get to spend the day with Sophie, but happy that she's going to get to spend it with her family and her mum at least came to talk to her.

''That's great, well I can give you a lift in the morning yeah?''

''Actually... well, she wants... both of us to go.'' I raise my eyebrows at her before I slowly frown.

''Really?'' She nods in response.

''Yeah, she said she's still not completely comfortable with everything but she's going to try. She wants you to spend tomorrow with our family.'' I can't help but smile as I hear the happiness in her voice.

''Okay. I'd love to spend tomorrow with you and your family.'' I tell her and I watch as a smile spreads across her face and she leans in planting a firm kiss on my lips taking me by surprise and making me giggle. ''You still want to go to this party tonight?''

''Definitely!'' She smiles brightly. ''And then when we get back, we're gonna finish what we started earlier.'' she says making me grin.


Feeling a tickling sensation along my side, I start to stir from my sleep, but smile when I realise what it is I'm feeling. I hear a quiet giggle as fingertips glide back and forth against my skin and I flicker my eyes open to see two bright blue eyes looking back at me, a smirk on her face. ''Morning.'' she says as she moves her hand up to my face and brushes back some of my hair, placing a kiss on my lips which I return.

''Morning.'' I whisper back, knowing my voice still sounds sleepy. We didn't get back from the party last night until late, and then true to her word Sophie proceeded to continue what we started before we had left my apartment. We must have only fallen asleep a few hours ago, having been trying to outdo each other well into the early hours, and I can tell by the look in her eyes right now that she wants to carry on.

''What time is it?'' I ask, wondering how much sleep I actually managed to get.

''Just after 10... I didn't mean to wake you.'' she states and I look and her and smirk.

''Yes you did.'' I state knowing exactly what she was up to. She tries to look shocked, but can't hide the small grin that tugs at the corner of her mouth.

''Sorry.'' she states with a guilty little expression.

''Don't be, I love waking up to you. I'm just a little... worn out.'' I say with a smile, watching as a smile forms on her face and I lean in to her and place another kiss on her lips. Feeling her trying to deepen it, I pull away slightly and rest our heads together. ''We need to get ready soon.'' I whisper against her lips, hearing her grumble in response.

''Can we not just stay here for a little longer?'' she moans as she wraps her arm around my waist so her hand is against my back and she pulls me closer.

''What did you have in mind?'' I ask, already knowing the answer. She grins at me and pulls me even closer again so our bodies are pressed together and she raises one of her legs so her thigh is pressed against my centre, making my breath hitch at the contact.

''I just wanna spend some more time alone with you, is that so bad?''

''No...'' I whisper out, not able to fully find my voice due to the pressure being applied to where I'm still pretty sensitive. She rolls us over so I'm lying flat on my back and she's hovering above me, her arms leaning either side of my head, and she brushes her lips over mine lightly before moving back and looking down at me. Her eyes are burning into mine, showing the desire still there from last night, making me want her all over again, no matter how tired I may be.

She leans down and I feel her breath on my lips as I close my eyes waiting for her to kiss me, but it never comes.

''But I guess you're right...'' she says as I frown and flicker my eyes open. ''We probably should be getting ready.'' Pushing herself up slightly as I grab her waist and hold her in place.

''No!'' I blurt out quickly. ''I mean... I guess we do have a little time yet.''

''Oh yeah?'' she asks with a grin and I nod, leaning up and capturing her lips with mine. Her lips softly moving against mine, as I let my hands travel down to the very bottom of her back, and then over her bum, appreciating the smoothness of her skin. I feel her smile into the kiss and then her tongue gliding between my lips meeting mine as her hip presses against me.

Now, I've kissed a few people in my time and I can very confidently say that Sophie is a phenomenal kisser, and it's not just my lips that hers feel good on. I don't know if there's a part of my body her lips haven't reached over the past few days. She takes me to whole new levels with the things she does to me and I can't imagine ever wanting anyone else to make me feel the way she does, or them even being able to. In the past with the guys I've been with, I liked them, obviously, and I cared about them as much as anyone does when they date someone, but I never felt about them the way I do about Sophie, not even close. I didn't think that I could feel such a strong connection with someone, so much want and need and love for one person and know that they feel the same way back. It definitely seems to make sex a whole lot more intense and meaningful.

The kiss grows even more passionate as she moves one of her hands between our bodies and slides it lower as she leans to the slide slightly, allowing herself more access before she runs her fingers over my centre and I can't stop the moan that escapes my lips at the contact, as she pulls out of the kiss and smirks down at me. She pushes her fingers through my folds before entering me slowly as I close my eyes and she crashes our lips together again.

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