Chapter 21

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Sophie's POV

Waking up with a clear head the morning after a night out, and having your arms wrapped around the body of your gorgeous girlfriend, there's nothing better. Last night was amazing, and I'm so glad that she loved everything I'd planned. She definitely showed me how much she appreciated me well into the early hours of the morning, before we eventually made it to the bedroom to fall asleep.

I know that last night I brought up the subject of telling my parents about us, and I do still want to tell them, but honestly... I'm bricking it! I'm not sure how my dad will react, but I really don't think my mum is going to be best pleased. I don't know how I'm gonna bring it up, or what I'm going say to them, I just know that I want to be with Sian and nothing's going to change that.

I feel Sian starting to stir and I place a kiss on her shoulder and loosen my grip on her slightly allowing her to turn around to face me. She lets out a sleepy groan and rubs her eyes. ''Morning.'' she croaks out as her eyes flicker open.

''Morning.'' I smile as I brush the back of my fingers over her cheek. She has the cutest sleepy face. ''You sleep okay?'' I ask.

''Yeah, perfect.'' she smiles as she shuffles closer and rests her hand on my hip as she leans in and places a quick kiss on my lips. ''You?''

''Same.'' I whisper against her lips before quickly pecking them again. I roll on to my back and wrap my arm around her, holding her close and she rests her head against my chest.

''Soph?'' she says as her fingers draw shapes across my stomach and I hum in response to let her know I'm listening. ''When did you wanna tell your parents?''

''As soon as possible I guess. I mean, get it over and done with ya know?'' I feel her nod her head slightly against my chest.

''Did... did you want me to be there?'' I shuffle to sit up as she lifts her head from my chest and sits next to me.

''You'd do that?''

''Course, we're in this together right?'' she smiles.

''Right.'' I reply and I can't help but let a massive grin spread across my face. ''You're amazing, you know that?'' I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and pull her towards me and kiss her.

''I think you may have told me once or twice last night.'' she smirked as we parted.

''Mmm, well you were.'' I place a chaste kiss on her lips again. ''I'm gonna hop in the shower.'' I throw back the covers and shuffle out of bed feeling her watching me as I walk towards the bedroom door. ''Care to join me?'' I ask, hearing sudden movement on the bed making me smile and move quicker towards the bathroom letting out a laugh as Sian chases after me.

Showering is definitely more fun when you do it with your girlfriend. Well it is when your girlfriend is Sian Powers anyway. After we'd finished showering, we got dressed and she made us breakfast and then we plucked up the courage to drive to my house. We probably could have waited a little while, but it's only two days before the New Year and I don't want to start it on a lie. Sian's been really sweet and has been reassuring me the whole way that everything is going to be fine, and I'd love to believe her, but I know my mum and she's not going to take this as well as I'd like. I just hope my dad can at least stand up to her on this occasion and maybe show me some support.

''Soph...'' Sian voices breaks me from my thoughts and I glance over to her. ''We're here Babe.'' I look out the window noticing that we're already parked outside my house, and suddenly start to panic as I look at the front door.''

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