Chapter 1

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Sophie's POV

5 months I've been seeing her now, that's 20 weeks of being able to see her smile, the one that makes me melt, her amazing eyes which draw me in, that I could drown in if I stared into them long enough and her gorgeous blonde hair that falls flawlessly around her shoulders. It's also 20 weeks of being able to hear her sweet voice and addictive laugh, to find out what she likes, what she doesn't, pretty much just get to know her. I mean, it started off a little awkward and I didn't really know what to talk to her about most of the time, but she can be pretty chatty and that made it a lot easier, now we can talk together forever without so much as a moments awkward silence. Every time I see her I get butterflies in my stomach, she's completely beautiful, and from the moment I laid eyes on her I knew she was special, and I know she is what I want. Unfortunately she doesn't feel the same way... or at least I don't think she does... or it's highly unlikely anyway. You see, I've been taking driving lessons for the past 5 months and the person I'm describing, the incredible blonde that makes my heart skip a beat just at the thought of her, the one I wish I could hear tell me she feels about me how I feel about her, this person is Sian, and well Sian... she's my instructor.

My name is Sophie Webster, I'm 17... but I'll be 18 in 4 days, I live with my parents Sally who works in the local lingerie factory and Kevin who runs a garage in our street. My older sister Rosie does live with us as well but between travelling for her work doing PR for clubs around the UK and staying at her boyfriend Jason's, she's hardly ever home. I'm currently in my final year at college and after I finished my 1st year exams earlier in the summer my parents paid for me to have 6 months of driving lessons. They booked them for me and everything, my dad didn't want what he called 'no dodgy geezer teaching me alone in a car in the middle of god knows where' and that's how I ended up with Sian teaching me... no complaints here.

Every time she pulls up outside my house to pick me up for my lesson I get so excited about seeing her, in fact on the days I have a lesson, which is every Wednesday, I think of nothing else. She's amazing and makes me feel so comfortable with her, but lately when I look into her eyes I feel like I lose myself for a split second and I can't think of anything but what it would be like to kiss her. We've had at times what I've thought to be moments, catching each other's eye and looking for a little longer than would seem normal for a glance, brushing of hands by accident to have the feeling of electricity flow through my body and causing a look on Sian's face that makes it seem that she may have felt the same, but then it passes and I think it's just in my head. I've been trying to convince myself that this is all in my head, I mean I have no idea where these feelings have come from, I've never been attracted to a woman before, but there's just something about Sian and I can't help it. If there was even the smallest possibility of her liking me like that, I'd jump at the chance of being with her. However, my parents aren't exactly accepting of things like that. A few years Jason's brother Todd came out and since then, any time there's a gay man on t.v my mum always compares them to Todd and says how it's just not natural. My dad, well he just goes along with whatever my mum says for an easy life. I just wish life was easier for everyone, for them to just be who they want to be.

So today's Wednesday and here I am sitting on the wall outside my house, swinging my legs mindlessly waiting for Sian to pick me up for today's lesson and feeling the same excitement I feel every time. My thoughts filled with the image of her face and the thought that I get to spend time alone with her. For November the weather is unusually warm and sunny so I'm wearing my denim shorts, a teal cami and my brown gladiator sandals. Suddenly I hear a familiar sound and yep, here she is coming round the corner in her little fiesta with the L Plates on it looking all official, I can't help but smile to myself. She pulls up right next to where I am and winds down the window of the car giving me a smile, the smile that sends shivers down my spine in the most amazing way and I can't help but to once again think how beautiful she is.

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