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"Hey, are you busy today?" I hear as I'm scribbling little doodles in my notebook.

I look up to see Jimin standing beside me, shifting awkwardly.

"No, why?" I ask with a smile forming on my face.

"I just figured maybe we could hang out and catch up." he says.

"Sounds fun, I'm down." I say and he smiles and heads back over to his seat.

It felt strange being around him now.

We weren't kids anymore and now my mind thought differently.

He was really hot now meaning being a teenage girl around him is hard, if you know what I mean.

Hormones and feelings, my friend.

I shake my head and go back to doodling as the teacher talks about whatever it is teachers talk about.

Once class ended Jimin joined my side as I stood up.

"Where do you wanna go?"I ask as I fling my bag onto my shoulder.

"How about the ice cream parlor. You still like ice cream right?" He asks which makes me laugh.

"What kind of monster would I be if I didn't?" I say and he laughs before nodding.
When we get to the Ice cream parlor Jimin tells me to go sit down so I do.

I watch as he gets to the window and starts to order.

I just couldn't get over how different he was.

He was so tiny and adorable when he was younger and now here he is all grown up and handsome.

"Here." he says, handing me my favorite flavored ice cream.

I smile and thank him.

"You remembered my favourite ice cream flavor?" I ask and he looks up at me.

"I remember a lot of things." he says then continues to eat his ice cream.

I felt bad for forgetting the promise we made so I was going to try really hard to become best friends again.

"You have a little ice cream there." he says then wipes the Ice cream of the tip of my nose.

I feel my face get hot.

"Are you alright? Are you not feeling well?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, I'm alright." I say and finish off the rest of my ice cream.

Dammit why did I have to think like that?

Now my mind is somewhere else.
Once he finishes his ice cream we decide to go shopping around.

I guess I did want to buy some new clothes so this was fun.

"So what was it like in America?" He asks as we make our way into a store.

"It was alright. It was kinda hard to make friends at first but after awhile I was fine. I learned English, made friends, and had a boyfriend. Life was good ya know." I say and he frowns.

"I seriously am really sorry I forgot our promise." I say, laying my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay. I guess I'm just upset that I was replaced." he says as he looks through the shirts on the racks.

"I'm sorry for that too but now we'll be Best friends again, if you want." I say while flashing a really big smile.

He looks down at me and smiles too then pulls the muscle tank top from the rack.

""I'm gonna go buy this." he says before moving to the register.

I watch as the lady at the counter hopelessly flirts with him, causing me to laugh.

When she finally bags his tank top she winks and hands him a paper with her number I'm guessing.

I walk over to him and join his side as we walk out of the store.

"Somebody has a crush on little Jimin, I see." I say, looking over at him with a smirk.

He just shrugs his shoulders and continues to walk.

He was the same as always in this sense.

Whenever someone would say they had a crush on him he'd just brush it off.

I laugh at the thought and skip beside him.
When we get back to his dorm I see the others sitting on the couch on their phones.

"Hey guys." I say. plopping down in between Namjoon and Jungkook.

"You guys seem happy." Jin says and I flash a smile.

"Yeah we're bonding more. Plus he just got hit on so of course he's happy." I smirk.

"By who?" Jungkook asks.

"Some girl at the store. She gave me her number." he says and the guys all make a big deal out of it.

Had they never had girlfriends before?

The thought made me laugh a little.

"So what did you guys do?" Jungkook asks.

"Just got some ice cream then went shopping." I say as I lean back on the couch.

"Sounds fun. Anyways, (y/n). Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks and I feel my face heat up.

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Well because if not I wanted to ask you on a date." he says and the guys look at him in shock.

"Oh, well no, I don'." I say as I feel the blush creeping back onto my cheeks.

"Then how about tomorrow night?" He asks and I nod.

A date with my best friends friend..

This should be fun.

WILL YOU REMEMBER ME? || PJM✔️Where stories live. Discover now