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Your pov-

"No way. You never said anything about being a famous K-pop group before." I say in disbelief.

"I knew we were forgetting to tell you something." Hoseok says and the others shrug.

"Well, can I by any chance come to the interview with you guys?" I ask, flashing a really big smile.

"I mean I don't see why not." Namjoon says looking at the others.

"Then let's go." Jin says and Jungkook pulls me out to the bus.

I can't believe they were a famous K-pop group.

I missed a lot in twelve years.
When we got to the place their interview was taking place I looked around in amazement.

This place was huge.

"This way." Jungkook says, leading me over to chairs.

"You guys have a guest with you?" I hear and look up to see a girl in front of us.

"Yeah! This is our friend (y/n)." Taehyung says and the girl smiles.

"Well you're welcome to sit with them." she says and pulls up an extra chair.

When we all sit down Jimin leans closer to my ear.

"Just know you'll be on camera." he says and I nod and shift a little.

Ever since he tried to kiss me I felt awkward around him.

I shook the thought away and put on a smile as the camera started rolling and the girl began to talk.

"Today we're here with Bts! You also might wondering who this is so they'll all introduce themselves." she says.

They all go down the row and introduce themselves after saying a little greeting and then bowing.

When they get to me Jimin puts his hand on my shoulder.

"This is (y/n). She just came but to Korea after leaving for twelve years. We were best friend since we were babies and now that she's back we're best friends again!" he says while flashing a smile.

"Now that the introductions are out of the way we should play some games then answers some questions." the girl says and the guys all cheer.

"First game will be rock paper scissors, simple." she says.

"The loser of the round has to do some aegyo." she says smiling and I can't help but to laugh.

The guys look at me and the girl and frown.

"We'll put a twist on this and you'll do your Aegyo towards (y/n)." she says and my eyes raise and the guys look at each other then nod. 

This was gonna be interesting.
First was Jin and Namjoon.

"Ready, go!"

Jin ends up winning and Namjoon walks over to me and takes my hand.

He says some cute words in a squeaky voice and then backs up and she applauds him.

Next was Taehyung and Yoongi.

Taehyung losses and of course he goes all out for the Aegyo.

Jimin and Jungkook go next after Hoseok volunteered to sit this game out.


Jimin lost.

As he walked over to me I could feel my face heating.

"Y/n)! You're so cute and you're my best friend!" He says in a cutesy voice then boops my nose.

I can't help but to laugh.

That was hilarious.

You had to have been there.

"Alright, Now that the games are over we'll do a live question and answer." the girl says as everyone sits back down in their seats.

I see a giant screen light up with a face.

"Okay so firstly, I love you guys so much! And my question is for Jimin and it's, why did you and (y/n) stop being friends?" The girl asks with furrowed brows.

I turn my head to Jimin and wait to hear his answer.

"Well even though she moved I never stopped being her best friend. Even though she might not have thought like that, I did." he says and the girls face lights up.

"Awe I ship you guys so much!" She says and I feel my face heat a little.

The others laugh as the screen flashes and someone else pops up.

"Okay my question is for Jungkook. Do you like (y/n)? I just get the vibe from how you look at her." the girl says and Jungkook smiles.

"Yeah, I do." he says and I feel my face heat in embarrassment.

I see Jimin tense a little beside me but I don't question it.

"Awe you guys would be so cute!" The girl says and Jungkook smiles.

"Thank you." he says then the screen changes.

After many more questions about their career and future plans the girl turned the screen off.

"I'd like to thank Bts for coming out today and (y/n) for being a guest! Goodbye everyone!" She says and the guys say their goodbyes as I wave.

I let out a sigh and stand up along with the others.

So Jungkook really does like me..

I mean I figured but now I know for sure.

"Make sure to bring (y/n) back tomorrow! Your fans are going crazy and taking about a love triangle between you three." the girl says pointing at Jimin, Jungkook, and I.

A love triangle...

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