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Your pov-

"What the hell? I thought you weren't going to date him?" Jimin steams, pacing back and forth in his room.

"I'm sorry! I was trying to tell him then he changed the subject and just asked me and I couldn't just say no." I whine and Jimin rolls his eyes and let's out a groan.

"Are you going to tell him you can't be with him?" He asks.

"Jimin, I don't know if I can." I say, sitting down on his bed with a sigh.

"And why not?" He asks as he stops in his place.

"I just don't want to hurt him." I say and his eyes flash.

"Do you like him?" He asks.

"I don't know.." I say and he looks down.

"I'm going to break it off." I say while walking to him and laying my hand on his back.

"Why would you do that?" He asks as he looks back up.

"Because you mean too much to me for me to hurt you again." I say and his eyes soften.

"I'm sorry. I'm doing it again." he says and I look at him with raised eyebrows.


"I keep thinking of myself only and not how you feel." he says and I shake my head.

"It's fine. You know I love you Jimin. You're my best friend and I hurt you once and I'm not doing it again. I'll go talk to him." I say and leave the room.

When I get to Jungkooks room I knock then go inside.

When he sees me he smiles and motions for me to come over to the bed.

"What's up?" He asks once I do so.

"We should talk." I say and start messing with my fingers.

"Is something wrong?" He asks, sitting up on his bed.

"As much as I like you, Jungkook, I'm sorry but I don't think we should be together." I say and his eyes widen a little.

"Why not?" He asks.

"I really don't want to hurt Jimin and I think it's for the best." I say and he sighs.

"Do you like him or something?"

Me, like Jimin?

I shake my head.

"Then I don't understand why." he says, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm really sorry. I still want to be friends." I say while placing my hand on his forearm.

"I'll need some time, okay?" He says, pulling his arm back.

I nod and stand up.

I take one last look at him then head out to the living room.

"Are you leaving?" Yoongi asks and I nod.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys at school." I say and leave.
When I get home I lay down and sigh.

Why was this so hard?

What Jungkook had said popped into my head.

Why would I like Jimin? Why did he think that?

Jimin was just my best friend, nothing more.

I never think about that because it's weird but I mean Jimin is really attractive and sweet..

I shake my head and turn over and go to sleep.
When I woke up the next morning to my annoying alarm clock I hurry up and get ready then head to school.

When I got there I noticed the guys sitting along the back wall so I walked towards them.

"Hey." I say with a small wave before sitting down in the seat in front of Namjoon.

"Hey!" Taehyung says instantly with a smile lighting up his face.

"Hey." I smile over at Jungkook.

He looks up at me and forces a smile then goes back to writing in his workbook.

I felt really bad but he said he needed some time so I'd give him that.

"We have some news!" Hoseok says and I look over at him and the others.

"What kind of news?" I ask.

"Once school ends we're leaving for our first tour." he says and flashes a big smile.

"There's only two months left though." I say as I feel a frown take over my face.

"Yeah. we know, but we were gonna ask if you wanted to come with us." Jimin says as he leans against the wall.

"Sounds fun. I'm totally up for that!" I say and jump up to hug them.

It's gonna be lit.

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