25 | Final

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"I'm coming too." y/n says while crossing her arms over her chest.

"No you're not, you're sick. You need to stay here and rest." Taehyung says and she looks over at me with pleading eyes.

"Then stay here." she says and I go to speak but Yoongi cuts me off.

"You know you can't. You have to come with us." he says and (y/n) rolls her eyes and turn on her side.

"Whatever, just go. Soon enough you'll be asking Remi to join us on tour." she says, covering her head with the blanket.

I can't help but to laugh a little at her jealous pouting frame.

"Let's get going. We'll bring you home something." Jin says with a smile before they all exit the room.

I walk over to (y/n) and lay my hand on her head.

"I love you." I say and she reaches out and grabs onto my hand.

"I love you too." she says and even though I can't see her face I smile anyway.

"I'll be back soon, I promise." I say and she groans and let's go of my hand before cocooning herself under the blanket.

I smile and head out.

I know she was mad that I was leaving but I didn't have a choice, I had to.

"Jimin!" Remi says and flings herself onto me.

I look behind her to see Jungkook glaring at me.

Of course he'd be angry.

"I really want to see you guys dance." she says, looking up at me and smiling.

It felt strange to have her clinging to me.

She wasn't (y/n).

"Let's go then." Jungkook says and we head to the dance studio.

When we get there I feel my phone go off.

When I open it I see a message from (y/n).

Her: Is that thing all over my boyfriend yet?
Me:: hey, be nice
Her: no thanks
Me: we're currently here *sends picture that's at the top of the page*
Her: You guys took her to your dance studio??? You've never even taken me there.
Me: she wanted to see us dance. I promise I'll bring you here when you're better.
She didn't reply.

I sigh and tuck my phone back into my pocket.

"Let me see y'all work your magic!" Remi says, pulling me up.

We dance to fire then she says we should go eat so we do.

"Is everything okay?" Remi asks as I check my phone for the thirtith time in the past 5 minutes.

Y/n) wasn't texting me back and I was getting anxious.

Was she mad again?

"Not really." I say, placing my hands into my lap.

"Is it the girl from yesterday?" She asks and I nod.

"Your girlfriend, right?" She asks with a frown.

I nod again.

"Go on." she says.

"Huh?" I ask looking up at her.

"Go to her, it's okay." she says and I thank her and rush back to the hotel.

When I get there I notice (y/n) isn't in the bed or the rest of the rooms.

Where did she go?

I call but there's no answer.

I grab my phone and run out the door only to crash into a body.

"Ow watch it buddy you- oh."

It was (y/n).

"Where were you? You should be in bed." I say.

"I went to the vending machine, why are you here?" She asks, pushing past me and walking into the hotel room.

"I wanted to." I say, following her in.

"Yeah right? She let you go, didn't she?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah but I still wanted to see you." I say and she waves it off and sits down on the bed and opens the drink she bought.

"Are you really upset because we took her to the dance studio?" I ask and she looks over while drinking then rolls her eyes.

When she removes the bottle from her lips she laughs.

"Guys are so clueless." she says and I put my hand to my heart.

"That's offensive. ya know." I say and she nods.

"Yeah I know." then she closes the bottle.

"I'm sorry okay. She wanted-"

"Of course she did." she says as her eyes flash.

"Why are you so jealous (y/n)? You know I don't want her." I say and she looks over to me and her jaw tightens.

"I've already told you why Jimin. I love you and so does she but of course she's way prettier and funnier and-"  I pull her face to me and kiss her, silencing her.

At first she's taken back but melts into the kiss.

When I pull back I run my fingers through her hair.

"Please stop comparing yourself to her. You're perfect just the way you are (y/n). I love you and I have for so long and someone who just comes along is not gonna take that away. I promise you you're my everything." I say and a smile slips onto her face.

"It's gonna be hard to compete with how much you love me but I'm not losing this bet." she says and I smile as she pulls my face to hers and kisses me.

When she pulls back I pull her down on the bed.

"I love you." I say and she smiles down at me.

"I love you more." she says and I can't stop the smile from slipping onto my face.

I don't know what I'd do without this girl, my best friend, and my love.

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