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Jimin's pov-

"We're really going to a hotel?!" (Y/n) asks in excitement and I nod while packing up my bag.

"I'm so excited. A nice hot shower sounds amazing right now." she says and I instantly agree.

It did sound amazing.

I smile as I look up at her smiling face.

"You do remember we're hanging out with that one fan today, right?" Jungkook says walking past us.

"What one fan?" (Y/n) asks confused.

"Oh, we had a contest and the winner gets to spend the day with us." I say and she slowly nods.

"Yeah she's pretty cute!" Hoseok says smiling.

"She?" (Y/n) asks and her smile fades.

"Yeah, she's around our age too so that's cool." Jungkook adds.

"Ah." y/n) says and goes back to packing.

Her Aura seemed to change.

"We're here. Let's go." Namjoon says and we all follow him off and into the hotel.

Once we're all situated Yoongi stands up.

"She's here, we should head out to meet her then head to wherever it is she wants to go." he says and we all nod and walk to the lobby.

When we get there I see a girl around oue age standing with a shirt that had our logo.

"That's her." Namjoon says and we walk over to her.

I had to admit that she was really pretty.

"I can't believe I really get to hang out with you guys! You're all so cute. Especially Jimin Oppa, my bias." she says flashing a smile and I feel (y/n) inch closer to me.

"Thank you." I say to be polite.

"Where do you want to go?" Taehyung asks and she smiles.

"Wherever is fine to me. Maybe to eat." she says smiling and all the guys agree.

When we get to the restaurant I sit down.

"I'm gonna sit here." she says, sitting down beside me.

I look up to see (y/n) looking taken back then frown as she sits down beside Taehyung and then Yoongi sits down on the other side of her.

"We never caught your name." Jungkook says and she smiles.

"It's Remi." she says and they nod.

"I can't believe I'm sitting next to you." she says, turning her head to me and lopping her arm around mine.

I hear someone let out at tch noise and I instantly notice it's(y/n).

"You're just so cute! I love you so much." she says and I see (y/n)'s eyes widen slightly and she stands up with her head down.

"Y/n)." Taehyung says.

"Sorry, I just need to go." she says and walks away ignoring the calls from the guys and I.

I sigh and Remi frowns.

"Is she okay?" She asks confused.

"She'll be okay." Jin says, trying not to kill her mood.

She smiles and nods then orders. 

I look at where (y/n) once was and my heart aches.

I had a feeling something like this would happen..

"Awe it's raining! Thank you for today it was really fun!" Remi says with a smile as she shields her head.

"Can we maybe hang again?" She asks and Jungkook smiles.

"Of course."

He liked her.

"Can I have your number?" He asks and she happily gives it to him.

"Then we'll be going." Jin says, bowing and she smiles and waves goodbye. 

"It's really coming down we should get back quickly." Yoongi says and we run back to our hotel.

When we get there I see something that causes my heart to ache.

There (y/n) was sitting on the ledge soaked from the rain.

I run over to her and pull off my jacket.

"Are you crazy? You're gonna get sick being in the rain like this." I say as I wrap it around her.

"Doesn't matter." she says, almost inaudibly over the pouring rain.

"Come on, Hyung, you guys are going to get sick!" Jungkook yells.

"Just go in. We'll be in in a minute." I say and they go inside.

"It does matter (y/n), come on." I say grabbing her arm but she yanks it back.

"What are you-"

"Why are you still here Jimin? Don't you have to go get fawned over by Remi? Have her tell you how cute you are and how much she loves you?" She says and I notice she's crying.

Was she jealous?

I sigh and pull her up.

"You don't have to worry about that (y/n). You already know I don't want anyone but you." I say, making sure she's looking me right in the eyes.

"I don't want you around her." she says as tears fall from her eyes.

"Y/n) you know I can't do that. She's a fan." I say and she tightens her jaw.

"I hate the way she was talking to you and how she was all over you. It hurt so bad." she says, gripping at my shirt.

My eyes widen.

"Y/n), are you..?" I ask and she looks up at me and nods as more tears fall from her eyes.

"Say it aloud, please." I practically beg and she wipes her eyes.

"Jimin, I love-" but she sneezes.

I smile and pull her into my side.

"Let's get you inside." I say and she nods and follows as she clings to me.

She finally loved me the way I loved her and even though she hadn't properly said it I knew and I couldn't be happier.

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