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"There's no way I'm going to the next interview." I say as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Awe come on (y/n), they love you!" Taehyung says wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"It's not about that." I say and he looks over to the others.

"Oh yeah, the love triangle." he says.

"There is no love triangle. Jimin is my best friend that's all, right?" I ask looking over at Jimin.

His eyes trail away.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" I ask.

"Well I mean we were friends for a long time so of course I had a crush on you." he says and my jaw drops.

"That was back then. It's not like it's the same now, right?" I say but he looks away.

"So there is a love triangle! Maybe I should join and create a love square." Taehyung says and both Jimin and Jungkook say no.

"I'm still not going tomorrow." I say.

"It won't be that bad. Just come with us. The fans really like you ya know." Namjoon says and I sigh looking around at everyone.

"Fine. I better get home. I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess." I mumble and head home.

So Jungkook and my best friend liked me.

This was gonna be something else.
When the next day came I was dreading it but I was gonna make sure that I didn't let what happened get in the way.

I was gonna treat Jimin as simply my best friend.

That's all we were.

When I thought about him liking me and us dating and kissing I felt weird.

It was foreign to me to think about something like that.

I shake my head and go get ready.

Once I'm ready I head down and meet the guys outside on their bus and we head to the same place as yesterday.

"Hey, you came!" The girl says excitedly once she sees me with the guys.

I nod and she leads us over to the chairs.

She welcomes everyone and they do their group introduction then she turns on the screen.

"As always we'll have a game and the viewers took a vote and the game they chose is truth or dare." she says excitedly.

Of course.

This is the typical game where things go bad.

"We'll have our viewers on now." she says and a face pops up on the screen.

"Okay I'd like to ask Jimin" the girl says.

"Truth or dare?" She asks smiling.

"Dare" he says while flashing a smile.

"I dare you and (y/n) to hold hands the rest of the game, Intertwined fingers." she says and I look over at Jimin and shrug and grab onto his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"You guys are so cute!" the girl squeaks and she waves goodbye as the screen flashes.

The next person comes onto the screen and it's a guy.

"This question is a truth for everyone. Do any of you find (y/n) attractive? Because she is pretty hot." the guy says and I raise my eyebrows and look around.

"Of course she's attractive." Hoseok says.

"Yeah, she's really pretty!" Namjoon says.

"She's beautiful!" Taehyung says.

"She's gorgeous." Jungkook says.

"Yeah she's attractive." Jin says.

"I actually do find her quite attractive." Yoongi says and I look over at Jimin.

"Of course. Not only is she extremely beautiful on the outside but she is on the inside too." Jimin says and I feel my face heat a bit but I try to shake it off.

"Alright thanks." the guy laughs and his face disappears.

"Thanks you guys." I say and they all say you're welcome.

I kinda figured aleast one of them would say something bad about me but I was wrong.

"Alright, a couple more and then we'll move on." she says and another face flashes on the screen.

"Jungkookie! Truth or dare?" The girl who appears asks.

"Dare." he says and the girl smirks.

"I dare you to kiss (y/n)." she says.

"But remember (y/n), You can't let go of Jimin's hand." she adds and Jimin narrows his eyes.

What was she trying to do?

"Alright." Jungkook says, standing up and walking to me.

He leans down and takes my face in his hands and kisses me.

It wasn't exactly a short kiss either.

I felt Jimin squeezing my hand a bit too hard and I pull away as my features turned pained.

When Jimin noticed he loosened his grip and apologizes repeadily.

"I take it as that wasn't your first time doing that." the girl on the screen says and he shakes his head and she squeals.

"Team (((YOUR GUYS SHIPNAME😂))) forever!" She yells and I feel myself getting embarrassed.

"Are you two dating or?" The host asks and I shake my head.

"Oh? Well anyways that's not our business." she says and changes The person.

"Last one is a dare for Jimin I guess." she says then her smile fades.

"What is the dare?" He asks.

"They want you two to kiss." she says and I shake my head.

"I'm not kissing him." I say and I see his face drop.

His smile completely faded and he let go of my hand.

"Then I suppose you'll have to ask something else." the host says.

"Okay, why not?" She asks.

"Well I don't know. I just don't see him in that type of way. Thinking of kissing him is weird, I'm sorry." I say and just get up and walk out, ignoring the others calling my name from behind me.

I walk to the bus and sit in the back and bury my face in my knees.

Why did I have to be in this stupid love triangle?

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