Chapter 8: All Wrong

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"But Master!" I pouted. "Why can't I come?!"

We had been back on Coruscant for a month since Swoth, and now Aslan had to go on another mission, to a water planet, but couldn't take me with since I hadn't had any water training. Especially not after the puddle, which he constantly teased me about.

"It's a water planet and you can't swim or fight underwater yet. I promise I'll train you when I get back, ok?" He rubbed my hair. "Now go to bed my little padawan. You need your rest." He got up and went to his ship to leave.

I watched sadly. The bond between any master and student was strong, but for us, it was like father and daughter, or best friends.

I sighed and went to my room. I wasn't tired, so I grabbed my notebook and started coloring a picture for him of when he came back.

Hours go by and the next thing I know is that I'm jolted awake by a laser blaster, and a scream.

I ran to my bedroom door and pushed the panel to open it, to see absolute chaos.

Clone troopers were firing at and killing fellow Jedi.

I froze in fear, before one noticed me. "There!" He and a few others aimed at me and I squeaked and summoned my lightsaber as I dodged and ran.

Coming up on an empty hallway, I spotted a vent and quickly used the force to open it, climb in, and closed it, before the troopers came around the corner. I was terrified and confused. 

I scrambled silently through the vents, looking for any other surviving Jedi, but found none until I found a youngling, only two, in the vent. They were shaking.

I motioned for them to be quiet, before they tried to crawl towards me, and the vent below them dented, and creaked, and gun blasts made the vent there completely break, and the youngling dropping below.

I covered my mouth as tears filled my eyes, and I quickly got out of the vents, knowing that they'd be looking in there now that they found the youngling. I ran to the library, and hid among the holocrons, shaking in fear.

I heard footsteps, and my thumb immediately went onto one of the buttons of my lightsaber, scared that they had found me. 

A familiar clone rounded the corner, and I sighed in relief, and ran forward and hugged Paint. "Paint! You're ok! I was so scared all of you were changed."

When he didn't hug back, I froze. "Paint?" I whispered.

"Kill all Jedi." He mumbled, and I backed up, as he aimed his blaster at me.

"N-no! Paint!" I started crying. 

Just before the brightly colored armor clone trooper pulled the trigger, a purple lightsaber stabbed him in the heart through his armor. 

Paint looked at me and smiled weakly. "Be safe little buddy." He whispered, and fell dead, and I looked up at the Jedi who had saved me. 

Master Vulkri stood there, a saddened look on her face. "Come on, we have to get out of here." 

"But, the others... The Clones..." I looked at Paint with tears in my bright green eyes. 

"Something is wrong with all the clones. Every single one. And the chosen one. You're the only in the temple I found that's alive. Now we got to go." 

"Wait. Can we stop at my room? There's something I need to grab." 

"Yes. But hurry." She nodded.

We quickly ran there, and I grabbed a small bag and shoved a picture of my class, and of me and my master, as well as the last drawing I did for my master, my cloak, and a data pad. Vulkri had grabbed the most important book in the library and erased the data on the computers and locked the holocron vault so only we could get in, so the future generations of Jedi could be safe from who ever did this. We both grabbed normal credits, since Republic credits most likely wouldn't be taken, and food and water.

We ran out of the temple, and into the lower levels of Coruscant to attempt to buy a ship or a  ticket to get off the planet. We knew that the Jedi order was dead, and could only hope that we weren't the only ones left.

We managed to secure two tickets off planet to another planet out in the outer rim, but I didn't hear her say which one, because I was worried about Aslan, and the clone troopers I considered friends. The 43rd Air Attack Command Quadrant. Were all of them like Paint? Dead? Affected.

Was my master alive? Ejiksega? Owec? Cunee?

Vulkri hustled me onto the ship, and had me wear a cape that covered my hair, yet didn't make me look like a Jedi, and had me curl up on her lap.

I was exhausted and dozed off on the way to the place, and Vulkri rubbed my back gently, telling me that it was ok to rest. 

The whole time I slept, all I could feel was death through the force, which slowly dimmed, but would remain strong for days.

I kept trying to contact Monjarby, or anyone else through the force. 

After four days on the crap, crammed ship, we finally reached the desert planet of Liynia, in a system with two suns. Vulkri immediately bought a small moisture farm far away from most other settlers, wanting to be left alone.

We also bought a small speeder, and set out to the place. 

The house was small and dusty and broken, but luckily the water moisture machines were in shipshape, brand new, and functioning. "Well, welcome to our new home Mira. I'm afraid maybe forever."

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