Chapter Forty: Learning

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Gor was growling, trying to talk to me. "Uughguughhhghghghhhgh uughguughhhghghghhhgh." He chortled.

"You are... thirsty?"

"Close. He actually said hungry." Z translated. "Ok Gor. Try another one."

"Aarrragghuuhw raaaaaahhgh wuuh huuguughghg hnnnhrrhhh aarrragghuuhw aaaaahnr uughguughhhghghghhhgh."

I looked at him blankly. "All I got of that was your and green." I sighed and put my face in my hands, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, at least you are catching on." Z chuckled. "It takes time."

"Usually I'm a fast learner."

"Huuguughghg uuh uugggh" Gor hugged me.

"I am not small!" I pouted.


"I am not cute!"

Z laughed. "You are catching on. And getting your hair messed up."

Gor was nuzzling me, my hair going static.

I sighed. "You big fluffy baby...." I hugged Gor.

I mean, who in the right of their heart could deny this giant fluffy wampa who loves hugs?

"Aaaaahnr huuguughghg." He purred.

"Yes. I am your friend." I smiled.

Z smiled and snapped a picture with a camera he had built from an old Empire drone's camera.

Gor purred and pulled Z in for the hug. We laughed and held on, as Anoles came in, with Khau on her shoulder.

"What is going on in here?" She chuckled.

"Aarrragghuuhw wrrhw huurh."

"Yes, I can see you are cuddling." She laughed. "Now let me join you." She hugged us as Khau screeched and jumped onto Gor's shoulder happily.

I couldn't stop laughing as we hugged.

"Hey, you guys might want to see th.... What's going on?! LEAVING OUT A GROUP HUG ARE YOU?!" Wen poked his head in, before running and tackling us.

Gor tumbled as he yelped in surprise, but we laughed.

After a few minutes we were able to calm down. "What was it that you were trying to say Wen?" Anoles stood up and brushed Gor's fur off her.

"Oh, yeah. We got a hail from another Rebel ship nearby."

"Really? What name?" I asked.

"I just got their operating code. 52 65 64 53 74 61 72."

"Wait, that is Hexadecimal." Anoles went and grabbed a pad, and started typing.

"Hexa what?" I asked confused.

"Hexadecimal. It is a type of code used for coding." She was converting the numbers to letters. "And I was right. That ship's name was Red Star."

"Red Star.... Now where have I heard that name before..." Wen started thinking.

"I don't know. But why would they be hailing us?"

"Maybe make some more alliances? I don't know." Z shrugged as Gor mumbled something that even Z or the other two couldn't understand.

Wen snapped his fingers. "I know where I have heard that. They're one of the top wanted by the Empire's defense sector. They stole important data regarding a new ship shield and sold it to the Rebellion."

"So these guys are a big deal."

"Pretty much. Let's go ahead and head to them. Anoles, can you send the frequency back?" Wen asked.

"Yeah I'll go ahead and do that."

"Gor, can you get Khau cleaned? I think he was playing in mud again from the collection he has."

Gor grumbled and whined.

"I don't want to hear it. It's your turn buddy. Now go." Wen sighed.

The wampa walked off, grumbling.

"Mira, can you perform some maintenance on Greenie? He is complaining about some rust in his hardware." Anoles asked, working on something.

"Sure. You know where the oil and the pick is?" I asked, getting my cloak off as it was getting too hot.

"It should be on the top shelf in the pit."

"Thanks." I went and grabbed it and tried to find the pesky droid.

I found him tormenting Gor while he was cleaning Khau. "Come on Greenie. Let's get that rust out of you."

He beeped and swiveled around on the ball he rolled on, and rolled towards me where I took him to my room.

I sat on my round Ottoman I used for meditating and started picking at the rust away from in his vents and arm joints, using the oil to soften it. "At least it isn't corrosion huh?" I chuckled, as he beeped.

"Yes I know. It hurts a lot more than rust."

He beeped annoyed.

"Really? Well I never knew that." I chuckled as he beeped, his head spinning around as he beeped.

I quickly hurried to finish, making sure that I got every inch. "All better now?" I asked, and he beeped, rolling off.

I chuckled light heartingly and got up, stretching. I looked at the seat I used for mediating and sat back down on it, looking out the window to the blackness of space as we passed a planet and the galaxy behind it.

It was peaceful, as there was no fight. No one dying. It was almost like freshly fallen snow. But in space.

I closed my eyes, hoping to relax, even just the slightest.

I leaned against the wall and smiled, humming an old song that Amalia used to sing when I was little, when the Empire quickly grew and I was terrified that they would find us.

"Of every story ever told. There is only one I know. From my mind and heart. This is the story of the universe's art." I mumbled, before hearing my door open and saw Z, covered in suds and dirty water. I burst out giggling, "What happened to you?"

"I scared Gor and he accidently threw the tub on me. I can't find my towel and I was wondering I could borrow yours."

"Sure go ahead." I tossed it to him.

He started drying himself off. "So what song were you singing?"

"Was it that loud?"

"No, I heard you mumbling the tune and some words." He dried the inside of his right ear, wincing as the towel rubbed him.

"It's just an old song. Nothing important."

"Ok then. So, miss Jedi. How about we do some training once I get some clean clothes?" He grinned.

"Alright." I chuckled. "You are on." 

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