Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

He stared at me in disbelief. Oh god I am so stupid! He stood up suddenly and pulled me with him, dragging me to a corner in the field.

"How? How did you find out?" He demanded, his eyes stern. My stomach started to hurt again.

"I saw you, as a wolf and whenever I looked into your eyes, I saw you... Kyle. I bought a book at 'Pete's Ledgends' and it got me thinking." I said, my heart crashing in my chest. His eyes softened slightly.

"What book did you buy?" He asked.

"'The Curse of the Moon'." I answered matter of factly. His face softened completely and he looked me in the eyes.

"My ancestor wrote that book hundreds of years ago. It was meant to help people to understand our race but people began to stop believing and now... it is now just a book in an empty shop." He said, his eyes expressed a hurt feeling inside them.

"Are... are you scared?" He asked nervously, scanning my face.

"No, not at all. I mean, I should be. But I'm not. Somewhere inside me there is a part of me that understands." I stated. He smiled and hugged me. It took me a while to hug him back after he took me by suprise, but the hug lasted for a while. A bit longer then nescesary.

He pulled away and his eyes flickered to my lips for a second, our faces were centimetres apart. He was about to close the distance but the bell rang. He sighed frustratedely and turned on his heels and into the direction of his class.


The walk home was a little awkward. The silence was begining to become a bit too much so I broke the silence. "How many werewolves are there?" I asked nervously. He looked at me, his face full of sympothy.

"There is only one pack in the county. In it is about... one hundred wolves." He said easily. My jaw dropped to the floor.

"Seriously?" I asked dumbfoundedly.

"Yep." He said, popping the 'p'.

"Look, I'm sure you have some questions so would you like to... come mine for a bit?" Kyle asked nervously.

"Um... yeah sure. Let me change out of my school clothes first though. I'll see you in a bit." I said as we neared Kyle's home. He nodded in agreement and waved good bye.

I quickly walked home to get changed. I threw my bag into the cupboard once I entered my house and walked up the stairs and into my room.

I changed into a brown shirt and ripped jeans and quickly brushed my hair again.

"Where are you going?" Cory asked, making me jump. I turned to him and glared at him angrily as he stood in my doorway casually.

"To a friends." I said quickly before putting my phone in my pocket.

"Uh huh, who's that?" He interogated.

I crossed my arms. "Why do you need to know?" I asked frustratedly.

"You're my baby sis. I need to know." He said, ruffeling my hair. I grumpled angrily.

"I'm going Kyle's house for a bit." I gave in. He sighed.

"I'm coming with you." He said, going into his room to grab a jacket.

"No! No you're not!" I yelled.

"Yes! Yes I am!" He yelled back. I clenched my fists in anger. I really hate Cory at times!


I knocked on Kyle's door three times and waited patiently for him to answer. Though, it was difficult as Cory was standing tensely next to me.

In a matter of seconds the door swung open.

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