Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Jade's POV

I texted my dad, telling him I was staying at Kyle's house for the night. I got a positive response from him, making me smile in triumph. I was worried he'd say no as this was the first sleep over I had at a guy's house.

I leaned back in Kyle's bed and stared at the ceiling, a giant smile on my face. "Was I really that good?" Kyle joked, taking note of the smile. "Ha! You wish!" I joked back. He gasped and pretended to sulk childishly as he turned to his other side, away from me. "If you don't turn that frown upside down then I will leave." I lied as I leaned over to see his face. I would never leave if it was possible. He immediately turned around, a giant cheesy grin on his face. "That's better" I said before I kissed his soft lips. He kissed me back without hesitation. He licked my bottom lip for entrance, a small smile spread across my lips as I didn't allow it. He growled in reaction. I pulled away and laughed, my laughter was soon joined by his.

After our laughter subsided we looked into each other's eyes again. "I truly love you, Jade Collins. I have never loved an individual as much as I have loved you, and I never will. You make me smile, you make me laugh, your the one that makes my heart beat. I will never let you go without a fight." Kyle said softly. My cheeks flushed red as I blushed. "That was the most beautiful thing someone has ever said to me." I admitted. "I love you too. more than words can explain. I'm glad you are mine." He smiled at my truthful words. I had never been one to really express my feelings. Sure I cry but this kind of thing has never even occured to me. But when I'm with Kyle, things are so much different - so much easier.

He leaned forward for another kiss and I happily obliged. I allowed the kiss to deepen so our tongues could hug together.

Moments passed and before we knew it, it was almost twelve O'clock. My eyelids grew heavy as I layed my head on Kyle's bare chest. I moved with him as his chest rised and fell with every breath. I listened to the calm song his heart produced. I could lay here forever, like this. Not one moment was being wasted.

I closed my eyes and allowed myself to sleep. Just as I lost conciousness, I felt a strand of my hair being gently placed behind my ear and a soft kiss placed onto my temple. "Night." Kyle breathed.


I opened my eyes and turned my head, only to reveal an empty space. I frowned as I wondered where Kyle was.

The scent of eggs and bacon wafted into my nostrils, making my mouth water. Kyle must be making breakfats. I pealed the covers off of my body and turned to Kyle's wardrobe to get one of his shirts. I pulled out a white cotton T-shirt and pulled it over my head. I grabbed my underwear and slipped them on before making my way to the kitchen. It was then that I realised, I was walking! Wrll sort of, my cast was making it awkward, but I am walking! A gleeful smile as I continued my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

The scent was now stronger and I could hear my stomach growling. "Hey there my little mate." Kyle said proudly as I entered his spotless kitchen. Not a sign of dirt was evident as my eyes swept over the surfaces. "Morning." I said, before wrapping my arms around his stomach. "Something smells amazing." I complimented. Kyle sniffed is arm pit mockingly and said "Really? I haven't showered yet..." I laughed soflty. He turned to face me and smiled warnly. "No crutches? Wow." He said, raising his eyebrows. I pecked his lips before finishing his job on breakfast.

I placed a fair share of eggs and bacon on two plates before handing Kyle his own. I picked up a knife and fork and made my way to the small table. The moment the bacon met my tongue I knew my life would vanish. It tickled my taste buds, making the flavour dance on my tonge until finally it was on its way down my throat. I moaned in delight and greedily took aother bite. The eggs were just as good.

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