Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

We entered the chilled ice house. The coolness bringing goosebumps on my arms. I should of brought a jacket! I thought to myself as I rubbed my arms.

"Here, take my jumper." Kyle offered, taking off his jumper and handing it to me. I took it gratefully and pulled it over my head, brushing my hair out of my face. I smiled my thank you and took a seat on the blue cushioned bench and waited for Kyle to hire the ice skates. 

I couldn't help my eyes wonder to his adorable little butt. I watched as he shifted his weight on each foot, making me like what I was seeing. 

When Kyle turned around, my head immediately snapped to the ice rink as I pretended to watch the other skaters flying gracefully on the ice. Please don't notice! Please don't notice! I chanted in my head as he sat down.

"You like what you see?" Kyle said proudly, wiggling his eyebrows. He noticed! 

I blushed a bright red, which I imagine matched my flame red hair. "You noticed huh?" I asked. Kyle chuckled and covered his mouth.

"No! I was only joking!" He exclaimed, laughing harder. I blushed and even darker red (if that was possible). I playfully slapped his on the arm, sending tingles up my arm.

"What the-" I asked aloud to myself, looking at my arm.

"Did you feel that?" I asked Kyle.

"Feel what?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Even though it sounded like he didn't feel it, there was evidence he did in his eyes.

I shrugged it off and began putting my snowy white ice skates on after I removed my shoes. 

I wobbled to the entrance of the ice rink, Kyle closely by my side. A wave of worry overcame me as I placed a foot onto the slippery ice. Immediately I felt how uneasy I felt on this certain surface.

I looked at Kyle hopingly. He rolled his eyes and took my arm in his.

"Don't worry, I'll hold you tight." He said with a wink. 

 I rolled my eyes and allowed Kyle to guide me across the ice, our skates moving in sync.

After a while I allowed myself to try on my own. The moment mine and Kyle's bodies disconnected, was the moment I began feeling cold. I shook it off and began my skating, Kyle close by my side. His hair blowing easily in the breeze. 

After I mastered a slow pace, I began going faster. The speed blowing my hair back. I continuously got faster with every step until everything around me was a blur.

"Don't go to fast!" Kyle called after me worriedly. I ignored him foolishly and continued my fast pace.

All of a sudden I was on the floor, a loud crack and a thump filled my ears. I screamed in agony as I clutched my ankle. A man was laying beside me, he groaned in pain as he slowly hot to his feet.

As soon as he spotted me in pain he knelt down by my side. 

"Oh my god! Are you OK?" He asked worriedly, checking me for any other injuries.

All of a sudden the man was thrust to the side, crashing into the wall. Kyle replaced the man and picked my up bridal style swiftly.

"It's OK!" He whispered to me as he skated out of the rink. He kicked off his skates, sending them flying into the distance. 

Kyle continued running at an inhuman speed. The pain in my ankle increasing.


I sat in a temporary wheelchair, a cast on my ankle. Kyle came towards me, a drink of lucozade on his hand.

"Hey, how's your foot?" He asked, handing me the drink. I gave him a grateful smile. "Fine thanks, I suppose." I answered. I took a large gulp of the lucozade. The fizzy liquid exploding onto my tongue, making it tingle, and swallowed it.

"Have they told my dad yet?" I asked. Kyle shook his head. "No, they will after they fill in some papers." He answered. I took another sip of lucozade and put it to one side.

"I am seriously sorry, Jade. You have no idea how sorry I am." Kyle said, leaning in front of me.

"It's not your fault, I shouldn't of went to fast. If anything, it was my fault." I said reassuringly. He offered me a half smile but his eyes gave him away, signalling he still believed it was his fault.

I gave him a friendly hug, the warmth of his body made me feel safe.

We were interrupted by the doctor. He held a pair of crutches in his hand. Kyle took them from him and smiled his thank you as he helped me to my foot and handed me the crutches.

I tried them out. They tapped as they hit the ground... that familiar tap...

I swung my foot into a step as I attempted to move. I quickly got the hang of it and was soon moving without a problem. Me and Kyle shared a giggle. Who'd of know breaking your ankle was so much fun!

The fun however was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I turned my attention behind me and saw Cory, looking both murderously angry and worried.

"What the hell happened to you!" He yelled. Though he was mostly directing his anger onto Kyle.

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