Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

 I sat on my bed, confused and depressed. Why had he ran off like that? I asked myself, why?

 There was a short and quiet knock on the door, barely audible. I made my way out my room, down the hall and made my descent down the stairs. There was another quick knock on the door so I said "I'm coming!"

 I struggled to open the door but the moment I saw his beautiful brown eyes I nearly screamed. I quickly hid my surprised expression and replaced it with an angry glare, my heart increasing and decreasing speed the longer I glared at him.

 "What do you want?" I growled. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the floor. "Well?" I pushed impatiently.

 "Can I come in?" He asked nervously. Like he was on edge. "Tell me what you want first." I said angrily, my voice slightly rising.

 "I want to give you an apology and an explanation." He said quietly. I lingered in the door way for a moment, deciding whether or not to let him in. I sighed in frustration as I moved to one side and motioned for Kyle to enter.

 We sat at my table silently for a moment. I began feeling the anger rise even more as the heat turned up a notch.

 "Well...?" I asked, looking at him expectantly.

 "OK, I'm sorry I ran away, I shouldn't of done that. I was just angry-"

 "Why were you angry?! I told you I was to turn in two months, how is that a reason to be angry and run off?!" I exclaimed, waving a hand around in the air.

 "That is what I am going to explain now."

 "Go on then." I growled impatiently. He hesitated for a moment, deciding in his little head whether or not he wanted to say it.Anger rose inside me the longer I waited.

 "Y-you're my mate, Jade." He said quietly. There was a short pause as I waited for more of the explanation before I came out and said "That's it? You ran off because I am your friend. Unbelievable!" He ran away because I'm his friend!

 His expression turned from sad and nervous to confused and shocked.

 "No! You do know what I mean when I say mate don't you?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

 I thought for a moment for any other definition for mate but none came to my mind. I just went blank for a moment before I replied. "No. Well, obviously not what you're talking about." I admit.

 He sat up straight in his chair and sucked in a deep breath. Kyle then came and said the truth.

 "A mate is not only a friend. For us type of people, a mate is a soul mate. When a werewolf is born, a single wolf in any part of the world is chosen by fate for them to be a kind of lover, called a mate. They will go through a process which will permanently bring them together, which will mean they will do anything for each other to make the other happy. They will never look at another person in the way they look at their mate.You will feel their pain when they are hurt and there is nothing you can do but help your injured mate. You only realise a person is your mate when you are a full wolf." He said and sucked in another breath as he finished with "You are mine."

 I looked at him, blank faced as I absorbed in all this information. Kyle is my mate? My lover? My soul mate?

 "But I still don't understand why you ran." I said in question.

 "I was angry and upset that no one told you you were my mate. I had my hopes up for you to tell me you knew but you only said the half of it. I'm really sorry." He answered and leaned towards me to hug me. I didn't hug him back, I kept my arms to my side as I sat on my chair, my face buried in his chest.

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