Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I stared at Kyle, my heart pounding loudly in my chest - I wouldn't be surprised if Cory or Kyle could hear it beat.

"What? What's happened?" Cory asked, pure worry washing over his face as he took a step towards me, protectively.

"I caught the scent of a lone wolf in the woods. I hadn't smelt it before." He confessed, breathing deeply as he did so. A tsunami of worry flooded my body as I listened to Cory and Kyle talk of this wolf. They said it could be a danger, or a passer through. Whatever the wolf's intention, they will have to confront it - meaning someone could get hurt. The fear of one of my loved ones getting hurt was too overpowering. I couldn't imagine my older brother, or my new friend, getting hurt...

"We'll have to go soon before it leaves. We need to make peace with it before it gets aggressive, or whatever." Kyle said, sounding experienced; for once. Cory nodded in agreement, though his protective stance has not moved an inch.

"Jade, we need you to stay here while we are gone. Keep you phone close and stay in your room. OK? Can you do that for me?" Cory begged, taking hold of my shoulders. I didn't have to question his request, the worry in his eyes was enough to hypnotise me into doing anything.

"OK, just promise you will return... both of you..." I said, taking a glimpse in Kyle's direction. The same worry was expressed in is eyes, only there was an expression I couldn't name. One I had not experienced... yet.

They both helped me to my room, an uncomfortable silence between us. I sat on my bed so I had a clear view of the garden; and the entrance to the woods. My phone was embedded on my pillow where I had placed it.

As Cory and Kyle turned to leave, I realised something. "Wait, can I have your number, Kyle? just in case?" I asked, begging with my eyes. He smiled softly at me as he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. We exchanged numbers before they left for the woods.

I watched out of my window as they both left the safety of home.

Now Kyle is going off into danger, I realise how much I care. I had never thought about it before - mostly because I hadn't liked him in the past - but now I can really feel it...

Kyle POV

I cautiously sniffed around the forest, careful not to miss a thing.

"Where about did you smell him?" Cory said through our temporary mind link.

"Near the clearing." I answered. we swiftly made our way into the direction of the small clearing me and Jade had used to meet up. It wasn't really a clearing, but it had less tree's than the other parts of the woods.

The scent began getting slightly stronger and I knew he was near. "Be on your guard." I said warily.

There was a low growl coming from the west before Cory was jumped. The snarling of jaws and crunching of bones bang filling the peaceful woods. I immediately jumped onto the wolf in Cory's aid. Cory threw him to a nearby tree, making him whimper in pain.

"What are you doing here?" I demand to the struggling wolf. He looked at me through sad eyes. "I'm looking for a home... A pack." He said. "Then why did you attack us!?" I growled, taking a threatfull step forward.

"I felt threatened. I'm sure you would do the same if you saw two big wolves searching for you." He replied.

I took in a sigh and decided to loosen up slightly. I gave Cory a nod to signal it was safe.

"Why are you looking for a new pack? Did you get kicked out of your previous pack?" I interrogated.

"I ran away. I was being forced to marry a snobbish girl who cares for no one but herself." He spat.

"You ran away from your home just because you could not fulfil your duty?" I asked curiously, knowing it wasn't really any of my business.

"Don't judge me. If you knew her then you would understand." He replied in annoyance.

"I have to continue my search for a pack. I must go now." He said as he got up fully, his front left leg shaking violently from being wounded.

"Wait." I said calmly. He turned to me expectantly. "You can join my pack. I will talk to my father and try to convince him to allow you to stay. What is your name?" I offered.

He looked at me in shock and hope but he still held onto suspition. "Clay." he said. "Why would you offer me a place in your home?" he asked.

"it's the least I can do." I said, referring to his wounded leg.

"Thank you." he said as he gave me a small, respective bow. I told him the pack house details and said our fairwells.

Jade POV

I stared out of my window in utter fear. What if they didn't come back? What would I do then? I looked at my phone, debating over weather I should text Kyle or Cory. My stomach was killing me as it usually did when I was scared and I was not willing to allow it to get worse.

I dialled Cory's number and waited for him to pick up. "come on, come on." I chanted as I waited for him to pick up.

"hey, I can't pick up the phone right now. Please leave a message. Cory." blurted out the voice mail. "shit." I hissed.

I launched myself off of my bed, nearly falling over. I picked up my crutches and hobbled down the hallway and descended down the stairs. I rushed outside as quickly as I possibly could. The woods was now infront of me, beckoning me to step foot into danger.

I noticed a small pile of clothing behind the fourth tree. They were the same clothes Cory was wearing. And further up I noticed another pile - possibly Kyle's. They haven't come back yet.

I made my way to the small green bench which was planted near the back door and decided to wait for them to show up. If they did.

What seemed like forever, I heard a faint pattern of thumps. I directed my attention to the woods and could faintly see the two wolves. I recognised Kyle straight away. I couldn't see Cory though.

Kyle barked at me. It was a deep, unforgettable bark that could no way resemble a dog or a normal wolf. My heart thudded in my chest heavily in an unexplainable fear. I looked away, thinking about his small pile of clothes and the fact that he would probably be naked when he... Uh... Changed back.

There was a brief sound of bones grinding and popping before all was clear.

"What the hell are you doing out here?!" Kyle asked worriedly. My eyes widened in surprise at his anger.

"I was worried sick about you! None of you had your phone so I couldn't know if you were ok so I waited out here so I could see if you would return! I thought you were..." I trailed off as my eyes welled up slightly. "Where's Cory?" I asked, looking in the direction of the entrance to the woods.

"He's coming, he just wanted to make sure thing were ok." he answered.

"And what of the lone wolf.?" I asked.

"He had attacked us, but that was understandable. All he wanted was a new home after he ran away to avoid being forced into marriage." he replied. Kyle looked into the woods, fully alert.

"You're brother's here. I'd turn around if I was you." I sighed and turned my body from the woods. I heard the same bone crunching and popping, making me cringe.

"What were you doing out here on your own?" Cory asked as he quickly walked to me. He gave me a tight hug and kissed my forehead. A family gesture he used to do when we were younger.

"That's what he said..." I mumbled.

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